Portland’s school children are being abused emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even physically in some cases. Rochelle’s kids experienced this at both a public & a private school. This mother’s story in her own words:
“My daughter attended Portland Public School for her first two years, kindergarten and first grade. My son was in preschool in the same building. I was an active and engaged parent, volunteering in the classroom and joining the PTA. It was not long before I realized race was the dominant theme at the school - it literally permeated everything. At the time I tried to be optimistic, but during the month of February when the entire halls were lined with posters of black Americans (for Black History Month) I said to myself, hmmm. It is also the month of President's Day, Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday and George Washington’s Birthday, so where are the posters commemorating two of our greatest Presidents, including the one who ended slavery??
I asked both the principal and the teacher about this glaring omission and was told that this was covered in the 2-page scholastic reader insert that the classrooms received. What???! When I started to become more vocal about the use of precious resources to promote race-based activities (African Drumming class, for example) and a play about Oregon’s racist history in lieu of advancing reading programs such as SMART. I was told I needed to attend White Ally trainings to understand my white privilege.
The incessant focus on race was accompanied by other politically charged cultural issues making their way into the classroom, such as climate change, gun laws, women’s rights, LGBTQ, etc. THIS IS GRADE SCHOOL!!! Ages 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. One day they had all the kids stand outside in solidarity against gun violence, openly promoting the abolishment of the Second Amendment. This, along with everything else, led us to our decision to move the kids out of public school in 2017 and into a local private Catholic school.”
“My children attended The Madeleine Catholic School for three years up until we moved out of Portland during the riots and economic lockdowns. That school, unfortunately, was rapidly accelerating into wokeism unbeknownst to either of us at the time. It was led by Fr Mike Biewend (he retired earlier this year). Fr Mike did not hide his progressive* views, and weaved them deeply into the school and church. Considering the vast majority of parents were also “progressive” it created an echo chamber of wokeism that could not be separated from the academic environment. It used to say on the homepage, “there is no place for racism at the Madeleine.” As if battling racism in Portland was a daily occurrence. It wasn’t.
In one particular instance I became upset when the school promoted and encouraged that children leave class to attend the Climate Strike protest organized by moveon.org (clearly an activist organization). I sent a polite letter to the principal about my concerns and shortly thereafter Fr Mike called me on a Sunday morning out of the blue. He was angry and agitated, and proclaimed that I was misguided in my concerns. He denied that the climate strike was political activism. He proceeded to berate me, criticize my beliefs and attempted to intimidate me into silence - finally finishing off his rant with, “I have my finger on the pulse of every decision at that school.”
Another time I recall vividly when Fr Mike put out a viral video, condemning one family for questioning the severe lockdowns as being more detrimental to children than Covid itself, which were my exact sentiments as well. It was another strong message to parents and parishioners to not question the prevailing narrative. I started to call him the wolf in sheep’s clothing because he claimed, “all are welcome,” yet if you dared speak up, question, or god forbid challenge him on an issue (pick anything woke) he WOULD confront you, and would do so in a very intimidating, calculated way.
It was during this time that we knew we had to leave Portland. We knew that all schools (public and private) were apt to stay closed (virtual learning only) under Governor Kate Brown’s emergency mandates for likely the entire 2020/2021 school year or close to it, (which they did). We did not want the kids to miss in-school instruction. When we moved to Tennessee they went straight into school, no social distancing, without fuss.
With all of the recent issues of gender specific pronoun use and gender identify affirmation, all I can say is Thank God Archbishop Sample is standing up to this in Oregon and pushing back, see here. I have already sent him a letter of support, and have encouraged all my peers to do the same. As is written in the message of the Gospels, the cost of doing right can be very high, very high indeed. He has taken quite a bit of criticism for this.”
Rochelle is active in the local school in her new home in XXX, Tennessee: “I’ve helped rally a bunch of parents at our local Catholic school here to push back against SEL, or social emotional learning, which is basically the program that eventually leads to CRT and all the Gender crap. This BS is literally everywhere but, unlike Portland, in just a matter of 1-2 weeks we amassed 35 families and 60 parents!! Another mom and I created the website, My Child My Choice, to share with other parents to get them up to speed on what SEL is. Check it out!!”
The Portland Public School District has been pushing the progressive* agenda at the expense of quality education for at least three decades now. It has gotten increasingly worse and more delusional over the years. For example, over 15 years ago they stopped teaching ANY American history in middle schools. You can see from the poster above what they replaced it with. Most suburban schools followed Portland’s lead in destroying education and destroying children’s hope. The result is too many young adults who are frustrated and full of hate.
In 2007, products of this corrupt education system created Antifa. They spewed their hatred toward their neighbors every weekend until Trump was elected. THEN they escalated the violence and frequency to everyday between the election date and the following February. With the death of George Floyd these feral thugs had the perfect excuse to exercise their hatred daily & nightly for five months. For the last three years rioting has mostly occurred only on weekends.
It is currently unclear how many students are enrolled in the Portland Public School District, the biggest in the State of Oregon, because they have been hiding the numbers since 2017. Their website stopped reporting the numbers in October 2017 (49,557). Portland residents, such as Rochelle, have been escaping since 2020, taking their children with them. I suspect enrollment has plummeted due to both a reduction in population for the first time in Portland’s history and due to the increase in homeschooling, which is up over 10% nationwide since the 2020-2021 lockdowns.
In short, these indoctrination centers have created the hate-filled thugs & brutes that roam the streets, terrorizing Portlanders, destroying property, assaulting strangers and generally making life in the City of Roses miserable.
The Marxist enemy within is destroying our country. From the school house to the White House, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in our ignorance of their disdainful motives.
Imagine how bad America will be when these children are adults and put into practice these valuable public school life lessons!!!