Meanwhile, Oregonians Are Fleeing Domestic Terrorists, Crime, Filth, Taxes, Homelessness, Liberal Hatred
This retired attorney was gobsmacked and molly whopped in 2015 when I learned that Kate Brown, Oregon’s new “accidental*” governor, was married to a MAN. Throughout our time as law school classmates, Ms. Brown made a point, a BIG point, of informing everyone, EVERYONE, that she was a Lesbian. A tiny little woman, she stomped around campus with her shaved head (with a small tuft of long hair sticking straight from her forehead which reminded me of a quail), wearing combat boots & shorts, demanding, DEMANDING that everyone accept her Lesbianism. NO ONE cared, one way or the other, that she was a Lesbian so I took this behavior as a sign that she was emotionally unstable.
She graduated from Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon in 1985 and I graduated in 1986. I don’t recall ever holding a conversation with her, but I do recall that she bullied others.
Will Brown, who is only 62, be leaving Oregon to work for the Biden Administration? Or, will she work for one of the 1,001 Leftist NGOs who grift off the American people’s hard-earned tax dollars? She made a number of trips to Washington DC since Biden moved into the White House. She used her power as governor to harm virtually every aspect of life in Oregon. She held a seething hatred for Trump because she was lined up to work for Queen Hillary’s administration. She immediately took this hatred out on Oregonians by inviting illegal aliens with criminal records to move into their neighborhoods, with promises they wouldn’t be arrested nor deported (Sanctuary State).
Brown has long favored felons, terrorists, illegal aliens, et al, over law-abiding Oregonians. In 2020 she allowed domestic terrorists (BLM & Antifa) to run wild in many cities, towns & neighborhoods for six months, terrorizing residents. She REFUSED to send in the National Guard even after a murder, numerous near-murders and MILLIONS of dollars in property damage. When the Hard Left mayor of Portland begged her to send in the guard, she told him the riots in his city were HIS problem, not hers. Meanwhile, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem showed Brown how to treat domestic terrorists: She shut down the Sioux Falls riots the second night by employing the National Guard. Portland & Sioux Falls are the only Big Cities in their respective states.
My classmate told me she would be Oregon’s governor someday. AND SHE WAS RIGHT!! Immediately after graduating from law school Brown began her climb up the Democrat ladder. To this writer’s knowledge, IF Brown ever held a job in the private sector, it was brief. She was bought and paid for by the State Employees International Union (SEIU), which is extremely powerful in Oregon. SEIU & George Soros funded her rise to power. She paid SEIU back with massive funding for schools they did NOT use to educate children. Brown paid Soros back by supporting the BLM riots and the “defund the police” movement. She supported DAs who selectively prosecuted based upon politics.
She began her official rise (elected to the Oregon House) in political power in 1991, and can be credited or blamed, depending upon one’s point of view, for why Oregonians have been fleeing in record numbers these last 4-5 years.
Brown had the good fortune to lead the state during a time it experienced year after year of windfall state tax revenues and constantly growing budgets, including through the injection of billions of dollars of federal COVID aid that she could largely spend as she pleased. Where did the money go? She didn’t use it to improve life in Oregon. Indeed, the decline of Oregon fast-tracked during Brown’s tenure.
She didn’t use BILLIONS in extra funds to fight crime nor to stop domestic terrorism. She didn’t use it to improve the quality of public school education for the next generation. She didn’t use it to help Americans down on their luck. Indeed, during the devastating heat wave in June 2021 which killed at least 116 (mostly low-income Oregonians including older people living in public housing and mobile homes) Brown could be found cooling off at a retreat at a winery. Public housing doesn’t have air conditioning?
Brown is obsessed with power and control. She HATED ordinary citizens having any say in how the state was run. As Secretary of State she “reinterpreted” the statutes and regulations regarding the initiative referendum process in order to diminish the rights of everyday Oregonians. For over a century Oregonians have had the statutory right** to put an issue on the ballot to be decided upon by every voter.
After the State approves the language of a referendum petition, the sponsors have a limited amount of time to get a certain percentage of signatures. If the correct number of signatures are obtained, the law requires that the referendum be put on the ballot.
Brown created multiple roadblocks to prevent Oregonians from voting on citizens’ referendums. Just one example of her malfeasance: she changed how signatures were counted. Each petition sheet has 10 signature lines. If there is a problem*** with ONE signature, Brown threw out the ENTIRE page. Were my father alive today, he would call this “chicken shit.” I call it hatred for her constituents. Some would call it soft tyranny. The end result was that referendum sponsors had to get about 50% EXTRA signatures to have a snowball’s chance of getting the issue on the ballot.
Perhaps Brown will best be remembered for putting the statewide teachers’ union before, WAY before, the needs of the next generation. She allowed school administrators to suspend in-person instruction for longer than any other state in the nation. She put education employees at the front of vaccine lines, ahead of older Oregonians who were at greater medical risk.
Oregon’s largest-ever increase in state funding for public schools occurred on her watch, but school kids lost miles & miles of ground. Brown and Democratic leaders gave schools broad latitude to spend the new funding and did not tie funding to schools’ demonstrating improved outcomes for students.
Despite Brown’s oft-stated desire to attack systemic racism and promote equity, her decision resulted in students in more affluent, non-minority areas returning to school sooner and more fully to in-person instruction than minority students.
Brown acceded to demands from school administrators, the teachers’ union and some education activists to lessen schools’ accountability for results. She signed a bill that allowed school administrators to hide test results from the public. She signed a law allowing students to graduate without demonstrating they can read, write and do math. As a result, nearly all high schools abandoned special workshop classes aimed at helping seniors with shaky math or writing skills to get up to par to earn a diploma.^
Instead of focusing on improving test scores, Brown spent her time dreaming up ways to racialize and sexualize school children. In 2017 she mandated transgendering of children of all ages, starting in kindergarten. In 2021 she signed an executive order requiring schools to train children to hate others with different skin colors.
During most of her time in office, most Oregonians had a negative opinion of Brown’s performance. Despite this, she was elected in a 2016 special election and re-elected in 2018. Like Queen Hillary said: “Democrat voters are stupid.” Brown did not tackle the major problems that existed when she entered the governor’s mansion: very poor student test scores and homelessness. By the time she left office this week, these problems had moved from crisis mode to catastrophes. AND, crime & domestic terrorism increased tenfold during her time as Oregon’s executive. Even die-hard Liberals are escaping the cesspool she & her Democrat buddies created.
As governor, Brown ordered the early release of approximately 1,000 state prisoners allegedly at risk from Fauci Flu. This, of course, was just an excuse. In her final months in office, she released hundreds more.
Brown made diversifying the state’s judiciary a priority throughout her time in office. Notably, 27 of the 112 judges she appointed to Oregon’s trial, appellate and tax courts were people of color and 56 were women. Eight judges openly identified as LGBTQ+. NOTE: Oregon’s minority population is about 10%, not 25% as implied by Brown’s appointments. By ignoring qualifications, she managed to virtue signal to impress the America Last Cult.
Immediately after the 2018 election, Brown began the process of destroying small business and the self-employed in order to transfer their customers to her mega donors, such as Walmart, Costco. She used the scam called “global warming” to try to force cap & trade bills through the Legislature.^^

Weekend after weekend throughout 2020, there were peaceful demonstrations in Salem, Oregon’s capital, as people from all over the state came to express themselves. First, the issue was the cap & trade bill that was being voted upon (and failed), then it was the illegal lockdown.

Brown needed Republican votes to accomplish this massive take over of Oregon’s economy, so she failed. THEN a miracle happened: China exported a man-made virus to America. THIS gave Brown the perfect excuse to exercise her totalitarian instincts. She illegally shut down the economy in March 2020 and kept it shut down until April 2022. Indeed, Brown enjoyed the role of dictator so much that, in June 2020, she announced that she would continue the lockdown for EIGHTEEN MORE MONTHS. She actually kept Oregon locked down longer than that, despite the fact that the state’s “pandemic” ended just weeks after it began. [Watch Diane’s video below.]
Brown couldn’t get the Oregon Legislature to agree to “transform” Oregon’s economy so, just like Biden, Brown used her pen to sign an executive order in January 2022. Will she hang around to watch Oregon’s economy die?
Taking a page from Biden’s playbook, Brown hid from the public and the press these last three years. Her last in-person briefing with reporters at the state Capitol was three years ago. She held only online press conferences. Using a teleprompter, she made a habit of reading a lengthy script online before taking questions. It is generally understood that Brown suffers from alcoholism and was drinking more heavily these last few years.
Now that Kate Brown has diminished life in Oregon, will she take a job helping Biden diminish life in America? She has the perfect skill set.
Prog women in positions of political power just take “mean girls” to a whole new level, damaging everyone.
I am happy to see you escaped the Oregon madness and now have a normal life. Brown sounds like she could use a few lessons in stability and nice, also, she should be brought down a peg or two. Sheesh! Sounds like she was quite a tyrant. We pray for demented outcasts such as Brown, in hopes they become more civil before dooms day.
Great coverage!
Be well.