Prog women in positions of political power just take “mean girls” to a whole new level, damaging everyone.

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I am happy to see you escaped the Oregon madness and now have a normal life. Brown sounds like she could use a few lessons in stability and nice, also, she should be brought down a peg or two. Sheesh! Sounds like she was quite a tyrant. We pray for demented outcasts such as Brown, in hopes they become more civil before dooms day.

Great coverage!

Be well.

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Joni: But isn't Newsom a bigger tyrant than Brown? BTW, Inslee just outlawed gas stoves via EXECUTIVE ORDER. Since we moved to our beach house two years ago we are constantly asking ourselves: Which state is closer to wiping out the Bill of Rights? How soon will COW collapse like Venezuela? Diane

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Newsom, Brown and Inslee talk to each other so they pass the same laws without voters.

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Yes, they piggyback off of each others' Marxist ideas such as Section 117: https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/sites/default/files/2022-05/%C2%A7177_states_05132022_NADA_sales_r2_ac.pdf

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We will see how Tina Kotek the new Governor who is openly gay runs the state of Oregon. Can she be worse than Kate Brown or better? Thank you Diane for your truth news.

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Kotek is also bought and paid for by SEIU. She may do some things differently than Brown, but don't expect any improvements for ordinary Oregonians. THAT is not in her plans. Brown & Kotek have been "joined at the hip" for YEARS.

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LOL! I agree! The Gov. is totally insane and I believe CA and OR are neck and neck down the toilet race.

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