Living Behind Enemy Lines, Tale #23: Forced Covid Vaccination
Politicization Of Healthcare Further Divided Americans
Liberals who live in Blue States are bullies. Because Blue State governments are populated with bullies, Libs believe it is their role to assist them in forcing their neighbors to comply with both real and imaginary regulations. As both Joe Biden and Washington’s Marxist governor, Jay Inslee, were forcing government employees to take The Jab, one of the three untested, experimental Covid vaccines, everyday Libs were “assisting” by screaming at strangers, neighbors and various acquaintances. Vickie thought she was doing her duty by accosting me.
I had not yet met Vickie* until that day in February 2022 when she demanded to know if I was vaccinated. She was sitting behind me so I pretended that I did not hear her attempt to invade my privacy. She shouted at me again: “DIANE, ARE YOU VACCINATED?” I replied: “THAT is none of your business.” She mumbled something back at me implying she had a right to know. By that time, I was irritated & disgusted. What then came out of my mouth troubles me to this day: “I have never asked you if you are being treated for STD.”
Hearing my last remark, she stomped out of the room, stopped briefly to whine to her husband in another room, and left the building. I then turned to the other three ladies sitting at my table and asked them: “Did she ask YOU if you were vaccinated?” They all said “no.” Then came a familiar voice from the table behind me. Renee declared: “Diane, everyone knows you aren’t vaccinated.”
Everyone knows? Knows what? My mind skipped to that boil I had lanced as a child. Do they know about THAT? Remember when LBJ lifted his shirt to show the cameras his newly acquired appendix scar? I was just a kid then, but I was disgusted with that display. So undignified! Too personal. Well, I haven’t changed much since then, except I’m taller. Moreover, I cannot imagine why casual acquaintances would be interested in what is and is not happening inside my body.
When I became a member of this club about seven months^ earlier, a number of Liberal members made it clear that “political” remarks were not allowed. By this time Covid, masks, vaccines, et al were no longer MEDICAL issues, they were POLITICAL issues. Thus, I avoided the topic of Covid & all its sub-topics like the plague. Ha! Pun intended!
Since I had not said a word about the state of my health to anyone at my new club, I had to take a minute to process this revelation that “everyone knows.” I then replied: “How? Has my new^ doctor been gossiping about me?” The discussion ended there. Looking back, I wish it had continued. I should have asked her how it was possible that “everyone knows” something they could not possibly know.
The social contract/compact between Americans had been fraying for quite some time before Fauci Flu arrived on our shores. THAT realization slapped me in the face when Donald Trump won, and Queen Hillary lost, the 2016 presidential election. The demonization of Christians, Conservatives, Republicans that had been increasing a little each year throughout my lifetime, kicked into overdrive and has been accelerating ever since. Indeed, in 2016 Democrats and the Deep State added another target, Trump supporters, to their list of Americans to demonize. By October 2022, the White House occupant felt free to call half of America “semi-Fascists.”
There USED TO BE boundaries Americans did not cross when dealing with one another. Of course, those boundaries varied depending upon relationships. I was not offended when our niece asked us if we had been vaccinated, for example. If I thought my encounter with this “Karen” was a one-off, I wouldn’t bother to write this article. It isn’t, and everyone reading this knows it or feels it.
For several days I pondered whether Renee was right and why my new acquaintances jumped to this conclusion. Indeed, how could they assume ANYTHING about my healthcare? Then it dawned on me. In 2021 I wrote three Letters to the Editor of our small community newspaper. A reader could reasonably deduce from these Letters that I lean Right in my outlook. HOWEVER, it is a major leap for one to assume ANYTHING about another’s healthcare based solely on the fact that the patient leans Right or leans Left. Americans cannot so easily be put into tight little boxes.
Bureaucrats & Democrats ramped up demonization (AKA “othering”) of their fellow Americans almost immediately after Joe Biden moved into the White House. Covid was just one of their excuses. In March 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci,** director of the National Institute for Allergy & Infectious Diseases, who was instrumental in CREATING AND FUNDING this man-made virus, claimed “Trump voters” were refusing to be vaccinated. He claimed this refusal was “merely because of political considerations.” His remark came a year after he discussed FORCING all Americans to carry or wear “immunity passports.”
Let’s examine Fauci’s hateful and illogical remark. First of all, it was PRESIDENT TRUMP, NOT BEIJING BIDEN, who contracted with the three pharmaceutical companies to create & produce the Covid vaccines. Under Fauci’s logic, it should have been Trump voters who rushed to be first in line for the Covid jab.
It was ALSO Trump who cut through Federal red tape to fasttrack production & distribution. The Fauci Flu made its first USA appearance in Washington State, less than 200 miles from where I now reside, on or about January 21, 2020.^^ Development of the Pfizer vaccine was complete in October 2020, but Pfizer executives held back their announcement until after the election. The first vaccine was FDA-approved for public distribution in December 2020 and was only available to the elderly and healthcare workers. Thus, UNDER TRUMP’S LEADERSHIP, it took only ten months, the fastest roll out of a new drug in America’s history.
In September 2021, Biden stood with his best friend, Mr. Teleprompter, and screamed that Covid is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” That was when he ILLEGALLY & UNCONSTITUTIONALLY ordered employers and government agencies to fire unvaccinated employees. What happened to the “my body, my choice?” slogan which Democrats have been screeching for 50 years? These Americans, our economy and many employers are still suffering due to this “it is NOT your body” tyranny. These victims include Biden voters, Trump voters and non-voters, alike.
After a year of American Mandarins blaming the unvaccinated for a disease THEY had a hand in creating, no wonder “Karens” such as the one who confronted me, felt free to cross that social boundary. After all, “everyone” assumed I was unvaccinated and their overlords told them people “like me” were the reason they had to wear masks, socially distance and suffer under a seemingly unending lockdown.^^
So, am I vaxxed or not? Did I roll up my sleeve to receive that all-important jab of the first political vaccine ever? Don’t ask me. It is none of YOUR business, either.
How the Nazis Did It: "No one is safe until everyone is safe":
Pritzker did the same exact thing with about the same time line in Illinois as Inslee did in Washington. He still acts the same way. He still has a fantasy that he’ll be president. My stomach turned when he was being considered for Vice. I was considered a government employee and was forced. I took one and a booster but I really didn’t want to. Mostly because it was being forced and that bothered me. That and all of the righteous who felt only they could be correct and shame anyone who was unvaxed.
I admire you for being able to do what you did. I wish I would have challenged the mandate. Especially seeing the million dollar payouts to transit employees in various locales.