Way before the 2016 presidential election, Republican voters, Republican politicians and all Conservative-leaning Americans had LONG been trash-talked by the Mainstream Media, Democrats and Liberals. This mis-characterization was subtle before Bush beat Gore in the 2000 presidential election.
In the 1970s, 80s, 90s, selective use of adjectives and adverbs hinted at the bias. An outspoken person would be called loud, angry, aggressive, pushy if he/she was Republican. If the same person were a Democrat, he/she would be referred to as passionate, motivated, inspiring, gregarious. This is the beginning of “othering” people, much like in Nazi Germany. The goal is to slowly convince enough people that these “others” are bad, evil and are harming everyone else. If enough people believe this, they won’t object when the government starts treating the “others” in an abusive manner.
As far back as the 1996 Clinton-Dole presidential race, this American noticed the way Big Media used & abused the words “compassionate,” and “selfish.” The Democrat candidate was called “compassionate” because he wanted to take more money away from earners and give it to Big Government. The Republican candidate was called “selfish” because he thought earners knew better how to spend their own money.
Insidiously, this image of Republicans and Conservatives was seared into the minds of Americans by Media repetition and Media lies. If something is repeated often enough it “becomes” fact in the minds of many. Some Conservatives & Republicans even buy into this false image of themselves.
Democrats/Liberals do not believe that everyone is a complex, multi-dimensional human being, regardless his/her political ideas. They are so myopic they make HUGE over-simplifications about people. For example, they assume every gay man, lesbian and transgendered person buys into Liberal ideology. WRONG! Like heterosexuals, these people have their own independent perspectives influenced by their journey through life, AS WE ALL DO.
Democrats/Liberals can’t tolerate when a black American doesn’t parrot Woke/Liberal ideology. According to Liberals, all blacks MUST be Democrats because the Democrat Party has done SO much for blacks. WRONG and WRONG!* Blacks are just as multi-dimensional as any other person. With lies and false promises the Democrat Party has kept blacks under their thumbs and on the welfare plantation FOR DECADES.
Americans of all political persuasions were called “racist” for simply questioning the wisdom of some of Obama’s policies. To protect America’s first “black”** president, Big Media & Democrats were ever ready to scream “racist” at anyone who questioned, for example, Obamacare, the “Cash For Clunkers” program that destroyed the used car market in 2009, or DACA.
By 2016, the stage had been set to demonize Americans who did not vote for Queen Hillary. Hillary voters felt free to mercilessly harass co-workers who voted for Trump, and supervisors wouldn’t intervene. The Oregon State Bar threatened to disbar attorneys who openly supported President Trump’s policies.*** Every student knew he would get an “A” grade if he bashed Trump on his term paper. Trump supporters kept quiet in class, knowing the teacher and/or fellow students would call them names.
Seemingly overnight Republicans, Conservatives and ANYONE who voted for Trump or supported his America-First policies transformed into “Nazis.” Beginning November 8, 2016, Big Media began a nonstop diatribe against Trump voters and anyone PERCEIVED as supporting Trump’s policies.
At a private Democrat donor event in Bethesda, MD, on August 25, 2022, Biden took this decades long Democrat/Media mischaracterization and name-calling to the next level:
"What we’re seeing now is the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism," Biden said.
"The MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal rights and economic security,” Biden continued. "They’re a threat to our very democracy. They refuse to accept the will of the people. They embrace political violence. They don’t believe in democracy."
So, anyone who opposes Biden’s America-Last policies is a Semi-Fascist? How long will it be before the Biden Administration starts jailing Americans who speak out against his policies? Oh, I forgot. They already ARE.
And the TRUTH IS that it is the Liberals who are becoming Fascists. For so long many of the public has labored under the mis-conception that Fascist & Liberal (socialist, communist, etc.) were antithetical, opposing terms. Actually, if you read Mussolini on fascism (and he can be fairly said to be the father of European fascism, Fascism is derived from a latin/italian root) you will find out that everything our Democrats want fits perfectly within the definition of fascism! For the simple and plain-spoken purpose, Fascism = totalitarian statism. Just like it is the Democrats who are the real fascists, so too are they the real racists! But accusing the other side of being guilty of what you are actually doing is right out of the Communist International playbook.
Oysterville is a special place! One of those rare spots that transports you back to an earlier time. And the old graveyard is full of friendly ghosts for sure! At one time I had a close acquaintance with Dale Espy Little, sister of Willard who wrote "Oysterville", and her husband Bill I visited her a few times up there after her husband passed on, but the last time I checked in, she was in nursing care and not doing well. So I imagine she's gone now. Used to make an oyster dinner pilgrimage to the Ark at least once or twice a year, but I haven't been up there much since it closed, which has been a long time now I guess! (time passes very quickly when you get to be in your 80's!)