And the TRUTH IS that it is the Liberals who are becoming Fascists. For so long many of the public has labored under the mis-conception that Fascist & Liberal (socialist, communist, etc.) were antithetical, opposing terms. Actually, if you read Mussolini on fascism (and he can be fairly said to be the father of European fascism, Fascism is derived from a latin/italian root) you will find out that everything our Democrats want fits perfectly within the definition of fascism! For the simple and plain-spoken purpose, Fascism = totalitarian statism. Just like it is the Democrats who are the real fascists, so too are they the real racists! But accusing the other side of being guilty of what you are actually doing is right out of the Communist International playbook.

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Oysterville is a special place! One of those rare spots that transports you back to an earlier time. And the old graveyard is full of friendly ghosts for sure! At one time I had a close acquaintance with Dale Espy Little, sister of Willard who wrote "Oysterville", and her husband Bill I visited her a few times up there after her husband passed on, but the last time I checked in, she was in nursing care and not doing well. So I imagine she's gone now. Used to make an oyster dinner pilgrimage to the Ark at least once or twice a year, but I haven't been up there much since it closed, which has been a long time now I guess! (time passes very quickly when you get to be in your 80's!)

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Jailing anyone who disagrees with the Biden admin. is closer than we think. That admin. has managed to bastardize an entire political party of Republicans and conservatives because we won’t drink the Koolaid. This is an outrage. We were a fair and just society many years ago, governed by the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments; now their spin is shameful and demeaning to our great nation.

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