Sep 28Liked by Diane L. Gruber

I took my kids to see this movie on opening weekend! We were going to attend the 5 o’clock showing, but it was full! We instead went to the 710 and it was 2/3 full. My youngest is 11, but he saw how ridiculous these adults were throughout the movie, And said it was quite funny. Diane, loved your letter to Robyn. That woman has done more harm to this country than perhaps any other BLM grifter, including Ibram X Kendi and Hannah Jones of the 1619 project. She is despicable. I did a deep dive on her “groundbreaking research” which led to the premise of her book, which is white guilt- and guess what, the study was flawed, highly manipulated, and in no way replicable. Imagine that! What’s unfortunate is despite her shoddy work, her book continues to have a profound impact on many people - especially women. Many of my friends from Portland all read it, including their husbands, and quoted her often in discussions. I could barely stand it. That said, it sure felt good watching Matt expose her as the fool she is! We take what we can get with these idiots :)

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29Author

Jo: Were you able to discern what it is about your "friends from Portland" who bought and read DiAngelo's tripe that makes them want to wallow in such racism delusions? Is it white guilt? I thought THAT was only felt by white Americans who lived in and lived through the Jim Crow South without trying to get rid of the REAL systemic racism. I had seen various clips of some of the DEI lunatics. Each one was special in her lunacy. Yep! They were all women! And those white women paid to go to a dinner where an Indian-American woman whose parents INTENTIONALLY IMMIGRATED TO AMERICA BECAUSE THEY KNEW AMERICA WOULD GIVE THEIR KIDS A BETTER LIFE, heaps scorn on them for "microaggressions" that don't exist! Sairo Rao was the most disgusting person in this movie. She is getting paid to insult others and they politely take it. If I was tricked into attending that dinner, I might have been arrested for slapping her and telling her to move back to India! What happened to her to make her into such a hateful monster! I have not seen the DEI consultant acquaintance since 2013. I sure wish I could ask her some questions, such as: WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU????? People like her are do SO MUCH damage to American society. Is THAT your intent?

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Diane, they definitely all had white guilt. Somewhere along the way they were told that they had advantages throughout their life that Black people today don’t have. Robyn’s book piggybacked off of this narrative perfectly and put a name to the feeling of that injustice, which is the white guilt. It also helped them justify the need, and their support, for the BLM movement, which was raging at the time. I never understood it, not for one second. I told them if they really felt they had an advantage over a marginalized group then they should give up their child’s spot at the private school they were paying for and give it to a minority child on their dime. They never understood my point, which is, if you truly believe that we’re living in a racist society - and want to level the playing field, you would need to GIVE SOMETHING UP and give it to the marginalized group. In my example, giving up their child’s paid spot in a private school. Instead, all of my friends wanted to keep their status intact, while throwing money and sympathy at a problem to assuage their guilt for being successful. It’s actually quite similar to what Matt does with Robyn in that epic scene. Personally, I have never apologized for any successes I or my husband have achieved in our lives, and the livelihood that we live as a result of those years of effort. I honestly don’t understand why so many people feel guilty for being successful. The friends I’m referring to were not born rich either, they earned their wealth through hard work and a good education. It’s just mind boggling.

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Jo: I wanted to be sure you read this article which, now that I have learned about Race2Dinner, is about the same kind of "white women" who would each pay $500 to spend 2 hours being insulted: Clackamas Women Lawyers. https://dianelgruber.substack.com/p/living-behind-enemy-lines-tale-13

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Did your Portland neighbors/friends ever attend that asinine Race2Dinner event? https://www.race2dinner.com/ I find those race grifters to be the most disgusting. Affirmative Action was started by Nixon when I was young. I felt sorry for African-Americans and approved of AA. Fast forward 10 years: I saw, first hand, totally unqualified blacks being hired or promoted over much more qualified whites and Asian-Americans. Employers desperately drug in any black person they could find so that the federal government wouldn't sue them. Then, all the other employees were handling the duties that person couldn't handle. There just were not enough blacks in the Portland area to fill the racist demand. As I recall, Portland is less than 5% black; however, BPA, where my hubby worked, had about 20% black employees by the end of the 1990s. By the time he retired in 2009, it was little more than a welfare department, keeping people who could not compete in private industry employed. BPA was full of people of all races that looked like they were homeless, unsocialized humans.

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Sep 29Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Excellent parenting tip Jo! Thank you.

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It is a concerted effort to brainwash society. I don’t believe anything happens to anybody to make them become delusional like that. Nearly everyone has gone through trials in their lives which have no justification whatsoever, yet we all try to understand the ‘why’ behind it. The delusion comes in how we look at ourselves. Are we jealous or feel powerless, are we victims, or friendless? The problem I believe is that without a spiritual base, people naturally gravitate to something that is larger than they feel they are. They bypass religion because they have been told it is the masses and turn to the next sectarian trend. I found this article about how the DEI “collective” FEELS about those who reject their beliefs: https://www.catalyst.org/2024/05/21/dei-backlash-causes/ The thing to remember is that DEI is a movement that is centered around feelings. Brainwashing comes about by appealing to feelings.

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Many corporations are closing their DEI departments and firing the worthless grifters. Trump will defund all such cow manure when he takes office.

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Sep 28Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Malcolm X : "White Liberals Are The Most Dangerous Thing In The Entire Western Hemisphere"

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Sep 28Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Liberals focus so much on identity politics to sidetrack people on real issues that have affected minority communities like the economy, education system, crime, and immigration. I will check this movie out. Great article, Diane.

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Sep 28Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Lost souls!

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Sep 30Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Since it is a Sunday, I thought I would share a biblical passage (King James) which is significant to the DEI issue. 2 Chronicles 19:7 “Wherefore now let the fear of the Lord be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts.” All people are loved by God. We don’t need DEI if we understand this and live as one of his followers.

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I saw "Am I Racist" and it was great ... BUT you must be able to survive the cringe. During the first half of the movie, Walsh pays and/or otherwise tricks these DEI agents into revealing their true selves in front of his cameras - and what he reveals is profoundly disturbing. You simply have to be able to tolerate listening to these nutcases. I'd say that the first half of the movie is a lead-in to the second half, where all the hilarity happens. In the second half, Walsh assumes the persona of these fruitcakes and ultimately ends up running his own DEI class, apparently filled with authentic students who signed up for his course. During the course he parodies the DEI lunatics that he exposed in the first half, and he does so in the extreme. His course has 9 steps, each crazier than the previous one, and at many steps some of his more sane students simply walk out. His 9th step is the ultimate - he brings out an actual box of whips and informs his (white) students that they are now to flagellate themselves. The looks on the remaining students' faces at this point are just something you have to see for yourself. Long and short, I left the theater simply unable to put the craziness and the hilarious second-half scenes out of my mind, to the point where I worried about the effects of being seen in public laughing at seemingly nothing. GO SEE THIS WHILE YOU CAN. But remember, you must prepare yourself for the cringe.

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29Author

I had seen various clips of some of the DEI lunatics. Each one was special in her lunacy. Yep! They were all women! And those white women paid to go to a dinner where an Indian-American woman whose parents INTENTIONALLY IMMIGRATED TO AMERICA BECAUSE THEY KNEW AMERICA WOULD GIVE THEIR KIDS A BETTER LIFE, heaps scorn on them for "microaggressions" that don't exist! Sairo Rao was the most disgusting person in this movie. She is getting paid to insult others and they politely take it. If I was tricked into attending that dinner, I might have been arrested for slapping her. What happened to her to make her into such a monster! Thanks for cross-posting my review!

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Sad how weak minded out of touch with themselves can be easily manipulated into believing they are SOMETHING THEY ARE NOT, SCARY!!!

I believe these people are HARRI’S main audience, REALLY SCARY!!!😳😱🤯

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And white women who paid to go to a dinner where an Indian-American woman whose parents INTENTIONALLY IMMIGRATED TO AMERICA BECAUSE THEY KNEW AMERICA WOULD GIVE THEIR KIDS A BETTER LIFE, heaps scorn on them for "microaggressions" that don't exist! Sairo Rao was the most disgusting person in this movie. She is getting paid to insult others and they politely take it. If I was tricked into attending that dinner, I might been arrested for slapping her.

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Thank you for this profound writing piece, Diane L Gruber. Matt Walsh is more than brilliant.

Also, as a pale white girl, I do not suffer from Caucasian Guilt . It does not help me nor anyone else. All human beings, all the same under all things, all in need of God's help, all day, every day. Step down from the harrassment of one another. I was a Leftist in youth and early middle age. No more. Conservative now and returned to my roots in Christ. Take your sorrows directly to God, for His help. Blessings to you, Wendy

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Wendy: Thank you for your kind remarks. I am spending my retirement to help save America for future generations. Why would anyone buy and read DiAngelo's book that makes them want to wallow in such racism delusions? Is it white guilt? I thought THAT was only felt by white Americans who lived in and lived through the Jim Crow South without trying to get rid of the REAL systemic racism. DEMOCRATS CREATED JIM CROW and implemented it for HUNDRED YEARS. I had seen various clips of some of these DEI lunatics. Each one was special in her lunacy. Yep! They were all women! And those white women paid to go to a dinner where an Indian-American woman whose parents INTENTIONALLY IMMIGRATED TO AMERICA BECAUSE THEY KNEW AMERICA WOULD GIVE THEIR KIDS A BETTER LIFE, heaps scorn on them for "microaggressions" that don't exist! Sairo Rao was the most disgusting person in this movie. She is getting paid to insult others and they politely take it. If I was tricked into attending that dinner, I might have been arrested for slapping her and telling her to move back to India! What happened to her to make her into such a hateful monster! I have not seen the DEI consultant acquaintance since 2013. I sure wish I could ask her some questions, such as: WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU????? People like her are doing SO MUCH damage to American society. Is THAT your intent?

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Diane, I agree with your sentiments, 100%. I also wonder who broke the hearts of some of these very sincere but self-hating white women. White people are not "supreme" and nor are we less. We are just human beings. None of us has a choice whom our parents are. We make the best of the time we get on this earth. Apologizing for our race is not a useful tactic to bring any healing to our fractured world. I understand that humans tend to be "tribal" and tend towards what is familiar, whether that is race, ethnicity, religious background, physical location of birth or upbringing. Ultimately, as we consider the chaos of human history with thousands of wars on all continents, humans are in distress. I have lost two family members to war, one Uncle during the D-Day invasion in 1944 and buried in France, and a brother from my immediate family, who was drafted and killed in Vietnam in 1968. Sorrow is not limited to a group. I do not want anyone to be mistreated. I also do not accept that I, because of my skin color, am responsible for the suffering of others, when I did nothing to make them suffer. I sincerely advocate for treating fellow humans with dignity and courtesy. I also do not apologize for my race. A long and winding road, this and I do not expect this to be solved easily, but I want humans to just learn to get along, at least more than they do now, 2024 and history back!

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I have been watching various Race2Dinner videos. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Everything a white woman at the dinner table said was declared as WHITE SUPREMACY by those horrible grifting women. AND, none made sense. If a white woman said "X" she was racist. If the same white woman said the opposite, she was racist according to these two head grifters. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!

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Diane, I was not familiar with "Race2Dinner" and I am now grateful I was not familiar with "Race2Dinner" after looking it up. $2500 for this????????? This is pure racial hatred. This certainly seems to be racial supremacy based on a race. I will not be attending a place in which I am castigated for my race. I once again wonder, what broke any of these women's hearts, regardless of race??? I focus on myself, my own well-being and I write things about mistakes I made in my life and what I learned from it. God made every single human who ever lived on this earth. He made them, He gave us all gifts that are only ours, and He calls all of us to repentance. I will not be downtrodden because someone is upset that I am white. I do not have Caucasian Guilt. This is one more tactic of the devil, to instigate racial hatred for no good reason except he is mad, all the time. I am learning, slowly but surely, to press the ignore button and offer the love of God to all who will accept it. I am not better or worse than someone else because of my race! I pray for the world, what dire shape it is in. Thanks for sharing this troubling thing...

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With Sean Combs P-Diddy in the news, I wondered how DEI fit into his perception of the world. I had no idea that he started a “Vote or Die” campaign against George Bush. In 2016 he was considering resurrecting Vote or Die. Here are his thoughts on it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GwWPyDjhzKE Harris is saying she wants reparations for Black Americans which is why DEI is important in this campaign. I can’t help but think of this as an ‘economic reservation’ much like the reservations that Native Americans were herded into by shortsighted, forever condescending liberal politicians.

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Why would anyone buy and read DiAngelo's tripe that makes them want to wallow in such racism delusions? Is it white guilt? I thought THAT was only felt by white Americans who lived in and lived through the Jim Crow South without trying to get rid of the REAL systemic racism. I had seen various clips of some of the DEI lunatics. Each one was special in her lunacy. Yep! They were all women! And those white women paid to go to a dinner where an Indian-American woman whose parents INTENTIONALLY IMMIGRATED TO AMERICA BECAUSE THEY KNEW AMERICA WOULD GIVE THEIR KIDS A BETTER LIFE, heaps scorn on them for "microaggressions" that don't exist! Sairo Rao was the most disgusting person in this movie. She is getting paid to insult others and they politely take it. If I was tricked into attending that dinner, I might have been arrested for slapping her and telling her to move back to India! What happened to her to make her into such a hateful monster! I have not seen the DEI consultant acquaintance since 2013. I sure wish I could ask her some questions, such as: WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU????? People like her are do SO MUCH damage to American society. Is THAT your intent?

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“Colonization” is a real thing. But, it has not been relegated to the history books. It is ongoing.

So much for “learning the lessons of authentic history” as the CRT-pushers peddle. It was the “progressives” of an earlier time who were the dominant force of colonialism. It is of the same ilk who are colonizing the minds and institutions of this country in the naked pursuit of power. If there’s any doubt, recall the history of the Indian schools where children were removed from their families. Now look at California and Washington State whose legislatures have sanctioned the State in removing children from homes that will not “affirm” their gender identity.

Same team, different era.

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29Author

Why would anyone buy and read DiAngelo's book that makes them want to wallow in such racism delusions? Is it white guilt? I thought THAT was only felt by white Americans who lived in and lived through the Jim Crow South without trying to get rid of the REAL systemic racism. I had seen various clips of some of the DEI lunatics. Each one was special in her lunacy. Yep! They were all women! And those white women paid to go to a dinner where an Indian-American woman whose parents INTENTIONALLY IMMIGRATED TO AMERICA BECAUSE THEY KNEW AMERICA WOULD GIVE THEIR KIDS A BETTER LIFE, heaps scorn on them for "microaggressions" that don't exist! Sairo Rao was the most disgusting person in this movie. She is getting paid to insult others and they politely take it. If I was tricked into attending that dinner, I might have been arrested for slapping her and telling her to move back to India! What happened to her to make her into such a hateful monster! I have not seen the DEI consultant acquaintance since 2013. I sure wish I could ask her some questions, such as: WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU????? People like her are doing SO MUCH damage to American society. Is THAT your intent?

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Many were “required” to read as DEI Training, as a condition of employment as “educators”. The government schools are the largest consumers of the this tripe.

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Yes! Stella, it is startling how we are even being pushed into being “hive minded.” It doesn’t get much more stratified than that. They look at us as worker bees that are replaceable. The collective intends to destroy the family.

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I knew a lot of race grifters, who published and ran DEI programs, at the community college I worked at for 6 years. I had to leave education. It was sooooo nauseating. As a result, I think I'll heartily enjoy Matt's movie.

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I am spending my retirement to help save America for future generations, it gets depressing, so my husband & I wanted a good laugh. Matt did not disappoint! Why would anyone buy and read DiAngelo's book that makes them want to wallow in such racism delusions? Is it white guilt? I thought THAT was only felt by white Americans who lived in and lived through the Jim Crow South without trying to get rid of the REAL systemic racism. DEMOCRATS CREATED JIM CROW and implemented it for HUNDRED YEARS. I had seen various clips of some of these DEI lunatics. Each one was special in her lunacy. Yep! They were all women! And those white women paid to go to a dinner where an Indian-American woman whose parents INTENTIONALLY IMMIGRATED TO AMERICA BECAUSE THEY KNEW AMERICA WOULD GIVE THEIR KIDS A BETTER LIFE, heaps scorn on them for "microaggressions" that don't exist! Sairo Rao was the most disgusting person in this movie. She is getting paid to insult others and they politely take it. If I was tricked into attending that dinner, I might have been arrested for slapping her and telling her to move back to India! What happened to her to make her into such a hateful monster! I have not seen the DEI consultant acquaintance since 2013. I sure wish I could ask her some questions, such as: WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU????? People like her are doing SO MUCH damage to American society. Is THAT your intent?

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I love what you're doing with your retirement! GET 'EM, DIANE!

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Mary Rose: After you see the movie, get back to me. I want to hear about your take on it. Also, would like to know more about the race grifters you knew: DianeLGruber@Gmail.com. I have a series called "Living Behind Enemy Lines." Have you read any of them? Tale #18 will be published this week.

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Finally got this movie in our theater and my brother and I went to see it today. It was hilarious, but also kind of horrifying. These are truly terrible people, they say these horrible demeaning things and pass it off as wisdom. Matt's ability to mock them simply by letting them speak is brilliant.

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I am spending my retirement to help save America for future generations, it gets depressing, so my husband & I wanted a good laugh. Matt did not disappoint! Why would anyone buy and read DiAngelo's book that makes them want to wallow in such racism delusions? Is it white guilt? I thought THAT was only felt by white Americans who lived in and lived through the Jim Crow South without trying to get rid of the REAL systemic racism. DEMOCRATS CREATED JIM CROW and implemented it for HUNDRED YEARS. I had seen various clips of some of these DEI lunatics. Each one was special in her lunacy. Yep! They were all women! And those white women paid to go to a dinner where an Indian-American woman whose parents INTENTIONALLY IMMIGRATED TO AMERICA BECAUSE THEY KNEW AMERICA WOULD GIVE THEIR KIDS A BETTER LIFE, heaps scorn on them for "microaggressions" that don't exist! Sairo Rao was the most disgusting person in this movie. She is getting paid to insult others and they politely take it. If I was tricked into attending that dinner, I might have been arrested for slapping her and telling her to move back to India! What happened to her to make her into such a hateful monster! I have not seen the DEI consultant acquaintance since 2013. I sure wish I could ask her some questions, such as: WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU????? People like her are doing SO MUCH damage to American society. Is THAT your intent?

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