Oct 2Liked by Diane L. Gruber

I think JD Vance could have given Tinananmen Tim a bit more push back, but I think overall JD Vance did a good job in explaining his views on policy and defending himself. Great job, Diane.

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Please allow me to suggest that some of our comments here, about JD Vance, are a little harsh, considering debate styles of every kind require you to think on your feet, since you know you’re going to be attacked from every possible direction; you just don’t know which direction, since the moderators are unpredictable and none of us critics-no matter how supportive we are of the Trump-Vance ticket-has ever had to step into this volatile environment. We’re the audience at a boxing match, telling the boxer how to fight; even the boxer has regrets of not taking a missed opportunity to wipe out his/her opponent. The unless we’ve been in that ring, we have no idea how to relate to JD Vance🇺🇸

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Vance didn’t miss anything if you watch closely his facial expressions. He restrained himself and how he responded which was smart in the same way Trump did with Kamala. The media has painted a picture of Trump and Vance as shoot from the hip reactionaries. The ‘debates’ disproved this narrative which was important in capturing the uncommitted voters. Timing is everything!

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Yes, he had a strategy.

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Margaret Brennan is also a director at the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which has controlled the US govt and media since WW2. Most of the "Biden team" are CFR members, including Blinken, Yellen, Austin, Mayorkas, Burns, Zients, and dozens more.

So much for "unbiased" journalism. Here's a recent sample: cfr.org/event/tackling-evolving-threat-landscape-homeland-security-2023

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What the hell?????

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That's just the tip of the iceberg. See charts: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

Dick Cheney, who just endorsed Harris, is a lifetime CFR member and former director. Most of the other PNAC neocons were members. The Clintons and Kerrys are members. Nearly every CIA director from Dulles to Burns has been a member. They all play for the same team.

The major finance, energy, defense, pharma and media corps are CFR partners, and many of the their execs are members. See lists: cfr.org/membership/corporate-members

"Liberal-fascism": rule by a corporatist oligarchy, behind a false front of liberal democracy.

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Wish Vance had responded to the rigged election question by simply stating: You, your network and the mainstream media are directly involved in covering up the rigged 2020 election.

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