The reason you're no longer allowed to say "illegal alien" has nothing to do with anyone being kind-hearted or respectful. The real reason is that the folks running this operation (and their media agents) don't want you constantly reminding everyone that they, as illegal employers of illegal aliens, are themselves criminals. PLEASE READ: "Who Is Really Behind our Illegal Immigration?" https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/who-is-really-behind-our-illegal

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As usual we cannot extend our imaginations to look at what the Democrats are doing and emulate them. No, instead we "stand on principle" and lose everything. We are not going to get Democrats to close the border just by screaming at them. And busing their aliens to their cities is, in the long run, suicidal. REPUBLICANS' EFFORTS TO EXPEL ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM THEIR STATES WILL BACKFIRE. Those aliens will end up in Democrat states, assisting in Democrat elections, voting Democrat, and increasing those states’ Democrat congressional representation after the 2030 census; Democrats must be laughing themselves silly watching us behave exactly as they expected: PLEASE READ: "Republicans Could Be Winning Biden’s Immigration Game": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/republicans-could-be-winning-bidens

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How about calling them "Undocumented migrants that are here illegally"? It's a mouthful, but it can't be argued. :-)

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Is there any American institution that has not been contaminated and corrupted by amoral leftists? Why is it politically incorrect to correctly identify law breaking illegal aliens as such? Is it fear of intimidation and retribution. Many Americans don't realize we're living in an open prison controlled by unelected bureaucrats and fraudulently elected politicians like Joe Biden. Donald Trump and his America First MAGA Republicans know our nation's future is at stake, the rest are blind to the perilous threat we face. God help us if Democrats successfully rig the November 5 election.

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And if Democrats take House & Senate, America will collapse.

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We’ve graduated from wetbacks to undocumented migrants to newcomers. That’s progress!

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And Biden now calls you & me "legals."

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I’m reminded that “He who controls the language controls the war,” or some variation of that. We tend to get tied up in semantics of the left, instead of pushing harder to maintain our original language with original meanings. I believe we should really focus on maintaining meanings. Nothing pisses off the CommieCrats more than you and I not bending the knee, and “Speaking Democratic,” so I believe we should focus more on that.

It’s not MAP, it’s sick F-ing pedophile, it’s not President Biden, it’s Pedo Pete (named by his own children), it’s not undocumented anything, it’s a government issued urban moving tactical target, it’s not a mostly peaceful protest, it’s testing grounds for my truck’s new coil-over suspension and brush guard. It’s not Equity, it’s white genocide.

Seriously though, we’ve capitulated too much for way too long. We are at the end of the line. No more. I don’t think we, as a society, survive otherwise.

Some of us can fight very well with diction, I envy you all. I still prefer fists, bayonets and bullets, and think that time is coming.

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I agree. The Looney Left has lowered standards via DEI, Affirmative Action, etc, because they believe certain races can't compete with "whites." I learned Washington State just outlawed Bar Exams as racist AND passed a law allowing illegals to obtain ALL kinds of certification & licensing from hairdresser to doctor to lawyer to nurse to driver, etc. Workers at Boeing plant say they will never fly on Boeing planes because quality standards have been lowered so far. About 5 years ago the Oregon State Bar made the Bar exam optional. They started licensing illegals 12-15 years ago.

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