Of course, and I expect they will pull out all stops in their attempt to defeat President Trump in 2024, no matter how they must succeed. Hopefully, our voter security will beat them at their game if the Dems. attempt a sabotage.

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The broken US leadership may pass bills and overturn decisions to disallow abortion, but God sees their unlawful actions. They forget it is a felony to kill babies.

Very sad but true, a corrupt, Godless American leadership can take down an entire nation of people in order to have their way, but we are not cattle to prod and decide what calf lives or dies, but we Good, caring Americans who are using our most powerful tool to restore our crippled nation. Our vote is sharper than a two edged sword and will cut the dead weight from our leadership come November. Our voices will turn the tide, and we shall once again be in control of the House and Senate, and as a team, America can be strong once more.

John F Kennedy stated in his January 1961 inaugural Address:”Ask not what your country can do for you; what can you do for your country”

Keep up the good work!

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There is already info coming out about rigged Senate and House primaries. Of course, the media is doing everything it can to hurt GOP candidates and help Dem candidates. Washington's primary is tomorrow.

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