Smash the hideous (Democrat) totalitarian regime and all its works. Send them howling into their endless night of tyranny. Oh joy.

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Deport every one of these illegal aliens. Period.

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Deport???? Maine just announced they are building BRAND NEW apartment buildings for the illegals AND they can live there for two years rent free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why aren't Americans marching in protest????????????????????????

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Unbelievable. The Democrats see working stiffs as tax resources to fund their radical agenda. Enough already.

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Cuz Maine is full of Democrats, not Americans.

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There should be protests near where they are building the apartment buildings for ILLEGALS. There shuld not only be protests, but every legal way should be tried to stop the buildings from being built.

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I agree! Conservatives are not aggressive enough in standing up for ourselves.

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The states are simply not prepared for the takeover of the federal government by a treasonous, criminal psychopath who has sold all of his political power to our enemies. They are only just now waking up to this, and it's taking a lot of time to respond. By the way, the U.S. Constitution was written with the naive idea that the federal government would alsways be on the side of the U.S. populace, and so it does not grant states enough autonomy to defend themselves against the failure of this idea.

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Many leftist state governors are aiding and abetting with no clue how much it will ruin their home state. Although NY Gov sure has been complaining a lot lately

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During the 2030 Census, the Blue States hope the illegals will give them more congressional districts, which will mean Red States will LOSE congressional districts AND electoral college votes.

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As I have so often said now, probably to the point where people are tired of me posting this: REPUBLICANS' EFFORTS TO EXPEL ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM THEIR STATES WILL BACKFIRE. Those aliens will end up in Democrat states, assisting in Democrat elections, voting Democrat, and increasing those states’ Democrat congressional representation after the 2030 census; Democrats must be laughing themselves silly watching us behave exactly as they expected: PLEASE READ: "Republicans Could Be Winning Biden’s Immigration Game": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/republicans-could-be-winning-bidens

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Do you think that will still be the case if they do not expel them to other states but actually out of the country? Or is that not possible at this point as other countries wont take them back?

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My only opinion about this is that Democrats are in control and Republicans are clearly not. Sending Biden's illegal aliens to Democrat hellholes does not constitute "control" - in fact it is the total relinquishing of control. When Republicans can say, with reasonable certainty, that Biden's immigrants are voluntarily housed in Republican states for the forseeable future, by virtue of Republicans offering them better incentives than Biden can, then Republicans will be in control. When Democrats and their industry backers have to come begging and pleading to Republicans for access to this labor pool, then I'd say Republicans have won this battle. READ: Who Is Really Behind Our Illegal Immigration? https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/who-is-really-behind-our-illegal

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During the 1980s I worked in West Germany. The Soviet Union gathered poor people from eastern countries, including India And Sri Lanka. They would be taken into East Berlin and sent across the gate to West Berlin. Germany was obligated to take them in, and pay for all their physical needs. The objective was to bring West Germany's economy down. It was part of the Cold War on the West. It was an effective strategy.

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No doubt, THAT is exactly what Biden is doing, with the help of the Red Cross, the UN, Doctors Without Borders, and various Soros organizations.

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Seems to me that our fabulous Congresspeople should solve this bull crap. Just tell Nadler to pick his own crops.

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Yeah. WTF took so long though?

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I don't know!!!! He should have closed the border in February 2021.

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