May 23Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Start a civil suit and just harass the prick!

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Amazing, how many folks still voted for Schmidt after all the damage he's done. Goes to show you, brainwashing works.

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Yes, at 46% of the vote, that means over 77,000 voters love crime, don't care if their friends & neighbors are terrorized and/or become crime victims. Yet, in this upside down woke society, they likely view themselves as more "compassionate" than the 54% who booted out this Soros man. THAT is why we gave up the dream home we built in West Linn in 1988. Besides the hatred, we could not stand the thought that our tax $$$ was being used to abuse little kids with transgendering in schools, AND we were funding police, but they were told to stand down when, for the first time in the 32 years we lived there, we needed them (July 2020 BLM thugs arrived in our neighborhood).

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I remember Washington state back in the 70's, 1973-1975, especially Bremerton, where the Navy sent me to Junior College, Olympic Junior College to be exact. Enjoyed visiting Seattle and surrounding area. Will never return under existing environment.

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I was born and raised in East Wenatchee, Apple Capital of the World, and my classmates who wanted to leave the valley and spread their wings, went to the Seattle Area. I went to Portland. My cousin moved there after his Navy service in Vietnam, and is still there. The Marxist haters have turned it into a cesspool worse than Portland. My husband's sister lives in Tacoma. Literally, every night FOR YEARS, she hears gunfire. All the way up to the Canadian border, the counties, cities & small towns have been sucked into the cesspool. My husband's brother & wife escaped Arlington in 2021, moved to Temple, Texas. Not sure that was an improvement, because Biden's Guests have invaded their neighborhood.

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Wow, not only did Democrat voters dump social Justice warrior District Attorney Mike Schmidt, but chose a pro-Israel Democrat who handily beat Susheela Jayapal, the sister of Squad Rep. Pramila Jayapal, in the Oregon primary on Tuesday. The Washington Times opined it may be an indication that the Democrat party’s far-left pro-Palestinian wing is alienating voters over its support for Gaza. However, the primary victor over Jayapal, a former Multnomah County commissioner, is Oregon Democrat State Rep. Maxine Dexter who hopes to succeed retiring progressive Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer, who has represented the district for 27 years. The big question remains: will Ms. Dexter beat her Republican challenger?

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I remember when Blumenauer was first elected. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!

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I held my tongue and didn’t freely express my thoughts about Earl Blumenauer and his checkered political accomplishments in Congress. But EEEEEEEEK and EEEEEEEEEK does a good job expressing my thoughts. He did a great job representing the Democrats’ Jackass symbol. I don’t think Ms. Dexter has much to worry about. The Deadhead Democrats will undoubtedly elect her — unless hell freezes over on November 5, 2024.

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John: You spent most of your adult life in Oregon. This piece about Oregon by Naomi Wolf will both break your heart and disgust you. The Evil part starts after she describes the beauty of this small town: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/blue-state-blues?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=676930&post_id=144923333&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1qt5ih&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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Witnessed Oregon descend into the social mess it has become as Democrat politicians grew in strength and power. Our small town south of Portland lost its conservative identity 20 years ago, as did your former city. Living in a rather isolated, somewhat rural community south of Issaquah, Washington has sharpened my sense of freedom from the leftward avalanche that’s consumed Portland and Multnomah County. Seattle and King County are no better, but distance from these Deep Blue citadels affords one the opportunity to luxuriate in a self-imposed ignorance which, as you know, can be blissful. I often wonder if our current experience is just part of the aging process, that we’re rejecting what’s new because we’re clinging to our more comfortable pasts, but then I decide I love our classic America far more than today’s wild scramble that has created more victims than happy families.

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Every measure of quality of life has decreased since you and I were growing up. Much of it was by design of left-leaning government programs.

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Our quality of life has decreased socially as drug and alcoholic addiction has been embraced by Democrats rather than confronting the issue, just as Blue Government administrators, district attorneys and judges have given criminals free rein. Although the Covid pandemic exposed Big Pharma and some medical groups as more devoted to money than genuine healthcare, many modern drugs have extended our lives and made common age-related health conditions easier to handle. Our internal combustion engine vehicles are safer and better made and our jet aircraft are a lot safer. Then we have the internet which connects us to our banks and businesses with ease. It also gives us a platform to express ourselves and criticize the jackass in the White House who’s using his thug FBI Swat teams to turn our nation into a police state to protect his insufferable dumb ass and his ever corrupt Democrat crime bosses.

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One down, thousands to go.

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San Francisco voters recalls their Soros DA about two year ago.

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