Does anyone remember the anti-military organization who objected to Reagan’s build up of America’s military strength after Carter decimated it? I don’t recall the name, but I do remember that Tom Brokaw of NBC trotted out one of their members every tax season throughout the Reagan and Bush 41 years to whine. When their members filed their personal tax returns each year, they allegedly withheld one-third of their taxes. They chose that percentage because they claimed that one-third of our taxes pay for America’s military.
Does that anti-military organization still exist during the Era of Biden? If so, it is invisible because Biden’s propaganda machine, AKA Big Media, doesn’t want a conversation about how our tax dollars are being used. Ship billions to Ukraine without giving it a second thought! Spend billions importing military-aged foreigners without vetting them! Questions are not allowed, questioners are arrested and liars are praised.
My Substack colleague, Alexander Scipio, gave me permission to publish his unique take on collection of income taxes:
The federal government has no authority to tax Americans to pay for programs that our US Constitution does not allow.
A logical solution to the monster we call the Internal Revenue Service exists that can and should be enacted by governors under the enumerated powers^ and the 9th & 10th Amendments.^^
The 16th Amendment* provides to the federal government the ability to tax our income. That’s not going to be repealed anytime soon. It does not, however, say how to tax. The 16th Amendment also does not add to the enumerated powers or provide for usurpation from the several states of reserved powers. So . . . . . .
Each governor can and should task his/her budget office with a review of the federal budget at the start of each federal fiscal year, October 1st. Every line item in the federal budget that is not supported by our US Constitution through which the superior states authorized the inferior federal government’s authority and, hence, funding needs, should be stricken by each governor.
The remaining total should be divided by the number of taxpayers nationally and that number multiplied by the income tax filers within a governor’s state. The state should use its own taxing authority to gather that amount through whatever tax policies exist in that state, then send a single check from their state to the DC Swamp. The IRS can then shrink to the size necessary to process 50 checks.
If no federal budget has been passed & signed, as the law requires, no taxes shall be paid at all as no governor can know that those receipts will be spent only on delegated powers and authority.
Among the idiocies that need to be lined-out as having no enumerated power and so, by definition, are unconstitutional powers because they have no foundation in the US Constitution, is foreign aid. Also, all powers reserved to the states and to the people, such as general police powers (FBI & ATF, for example) are usurpations and a violation of the 10th Amendment. Those, too, should be lined-out of the budget.
We also need to stop sending money to the District of Corruption only to be laundered through their bureaucracy before being shipped back, probably 50% lighter, to a state. Just keep it in the state and let the federal bureaucracy evaporate.
If we really want our government to function under the “Supreme Law of the Land,” and hold ourselves up as a “government of limited, constitutional powers,” we need to, and can, stop funding its overreach. Force it to remain within the bounds of the US Constitution wherein the states created the federal government to do specific things . . . and no more.
If Biden is elected this November, taxes will increase without him doing a darn thing. The Trump Jobs & Tax Cut Act of 2017 is set to expire at the end of tax year 2025. [In order to get RINO votes, Trump was forced to put an eight-year expiration date in the Act.** All Democrats in the House & Senate voted no to lower taxes.] In tax year 2026, taxes for lower-middle class, working class and low-income Americans, especially renters, will increase to the level they were before this Act took effect. In addition, during his Hate of the Union speech, the greedy little dictator screamed that taxes must, must, must be raised. Just letting Trump’s tax cuts expire will not satisfy his Marxist appetite.
I agree with your premise, but the Administrative/Deep State would do to us what they have done to President Trump, his lawyers, associates and supporters — arrest us and give us two choices: plead guilty to their real or fabricated charges, or bankrupt your family trying to defend your actions.