New Constitutional Amendment Is Needed To Protect Home Grown Food
Give Biden Another Term, Americans Will Be Starving In The Streets
Great minds think alike! Ha! The ink was barely dry on the article I published last week, “When Will Our Overlords Outlaw Home Gardens?” when I learned that US Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) has drafted a Constitutional Amendment to keep the federal government’s filthy, greedy hands off your home grown food. Actually, this is nothing to laugh about. The very fact that Rep. Massie, who has inside information I am not privy to, knows it is time to fight back against this tyranny, tells me the Biden Regime’s second term will be catastrophic for our food security.
Proposed Constitutional Amendment: “The right of the people to grow food and to purchase food from the source of their choice shall not be infringed, and Congress shall make no law regulating the production and distribution of food products which do not move across state lines.”
The Biden Regime, along with some Democrat-run States, is in the process of decreasing our food supply and shutting down smaller farms to the benefit of their Big Farm donors. There are a number of schemes being deployed. One of the most ingenious & most nefarious & most inhumane is “Natural Asset Companies,” which was begun by Joe Biden on April 22, 2022 via Executive Order. That is, NO ONE VOTED FOR THIS! See Article Below
Not much information remains in my memory from my days in law school; but, I have never been able to shake a frightening tidbit my constitution professor imparted to the class. When we were studying the Commerce Clause of the US Constitution he taught us that, during the (Democrat) Roosevelt Administration (1933-1945), a law* had been passed giving the federal government power over all the food Americans grow on their own property, even small vegetable gardens for family consumption. To be sure I understood the depths of this tyranny, I asked “Can the federal government confiscate or destroy my one tomato plant growing in a pot on my deck, and arrest me? His answer: “Yes.”
Lo these many years, over 40 now, I have had my eye out, ever watching and waiting for the day when our federal overlords would bring the hammer down on grandma’s vegetable garden or my neighbors’ ten chickens. I have been especially wary as the Biden Regime intentionally raised food prices 20+ percent, sending more & more Americans to food banks.
In Wickard v. Filburn, the US Supreme Court ruled that, if someone grows and consumes their own food, regardless how minimal, they are “interfering” with interstate commerce, and are in violation of the Commerce Clause of the constitution which grants that power to the federal government. Say what? How? You may ask. The court reasoned that the person growing a tomato plant would otherwise be buying his food across state lines. Say what? The court can’t know that. They might buy their food from a farm in a neighboring county and/or a neighbor with a few chickens and a small vegetable patch.
The Commerce Clause refers to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress the power “to regulate commerce with foreign nations, AMONG STATES, and with the Indian tribes,” NOT INSIDE A STATE. Anyone who can read English can see that the court in Wickard v. Filburn greatly expanded the power of the federal government beyond the limit placed upon it by the US Constitution.
Stalin starved to death one-third of the Ukrainian population (mostly farmers), in the 1930s in order to control the masses. Mao Zedong starved to death between 40-80 million peasants (historians disagree about the number) in the late 1950s & early 1960s.
If Joe Biden is elected this November, the Marxist minions who control the White House will be unchained to do maximum damage to Americans’ freedoms, to America, and to Americans’ food supply. The destruction they wreaked these last three years was not caused by incompetence. They are already working on ways to reduce grazing land for cattle (see article below), and abusing small farmers.
I am not suggesting that the Biden Regime will begin a program of mass starvation. Too many Americans own guns. What I am suggesting is that the Biden Regime will continue to reduce our food supply, which will increase the cost of food, which will make ever more Americans dependent upon government handouts for basic sustenance, which will turn ever more Americans into compliant beggars.
Food politics -- it's as old as the first aggressive humans who used sieges to destroy and kill their enemies.