Living Behind Enemy Lines, Tale #29: Washington State Hires BLM Head To Hunt Down "White Supremacists"
As Washington’s Democrat Attorney General Bob Ferguson was about to vacate his AG office and be sworn in as governor, he established Washington State Attorney General’s Domestic Extremism and Mass Violence Task Force. Fearing that the public will learn of the task force’s unconstitutional scheme, members are prohibited from speaking to the media and from answering questions from We The People.
The task force, consisting of 31 members, some of whom do not live in the state, held its first meeting November 22nd in Seattle, and its second meeting, also in Seattle, on January 10th. It is obvious this task force is not interested in reducing violence. It has been set up to find and oppress Conservatives, Christians and various others who hold thoughts which have not been approved by Washington State’s far Left politicians, bureaucrats, and their fellow travelers. Indeed, one task force member is the local head of Black Lives Matter, the biggest and best funded domestic terrorist organization in America. The BLM^ riots in Seattle lasted from May to September 2020. Two young black men were murdered by these BLM thugs and many more were injured.
A member of the public who attended the first meeting via Zoom characterized the task force as follows:
“It’s a contrived, taxpayer-funded cabal, used to flex the power of the AG/governor, to intimidate and suppress dissent, in violation of the Constitutions of this state, as well as the US. The people who serve on this taskforce are more concerned with pronouns and anti-Trump rhetoric, than to act in harmony with the Constitutions.”
During their second meeting the task force members made no attempt to hide the fact that they viewed their main task as identifying every “white supremacist” in the state, putting his/her name on a government list, and recommending to the governor how to punish and/or re-educate. Sometime during the Biden Regime, the FBI removed from their website their report that they had identified about 20,000 “white supremacists” in America. According to them, the great majority were non-violent men who had not graduated from high school. No doubt this report was removed because the Biden Regime was in the process of broadening the definition to include every American, male or female, educated or uneducated, young or old, physically capable of harm or not, who dared to express non-Liberal, non-woke, non-government-sanctioned and non-Leftist-approved thoughts, especially Trump supporters.
Let’s assume Washington State has 1,000 of these 20,000 “white supremacists.” Unless and until one of them breaks the law, the state has no right to investigate and persecute that person. He has as many First Amendment Rights as does the mean, miserable, woke jackasses on this task force. Awh, but they have no intention of limiting their hunt to lone “white supremacists” who break the law. Their plan is to hunt down everyone they don’t like, “othering” over half the state. Indeed, at the January 10th meeting they were talking about de-programing Americans who question the safety of the Covid “vaccines.”
These arrogant, racist, delusional Americans-Last Leftists made it very clear from the start that they did not want to hear from the public, but were forced to open up the microphones for limited comments from us peons and serfs. They turned off the chat function so Zoom attendees could not “chat” with each other. They also turned off the transparency function that allows every Zoom attendee to see the names of every other Zoom attendee. This also prevents Zoom attendees from learning how many Americans attended via Zoom. After all, very few people want to drive into crime-infested Seattle to be treated like unwanted skunks at their Woke picnic.
During the second meeting there appeared to be two members of the public attending in person. They would not allow one to speak, repeatedly talking over her. The other one must have got the message and never tried to speak. When I signed up the day before, their website said each member of the public would be allowed two minutes. They cut that down to one minute for each, so I reduced my prepared remarks. The task force leader cut off my microphone at 43 seconds. She said I broke the rules, but she did not explain what rule. She also cut off two others because she didn’t like what they were saying. Indeed, all public comments were critical, some VERY critical of the existence of this task force and/or their goals.
“This is Diane Gruber. I live in Oysterville. Quoting from your website: ‘The Domestic Extremism and Mass Violence Task Force will provide recommendations to the legislature to establish a comprehensive public health and community-based framework to combat extremism and mass violence.’
I am truly confused. Black Lives Matter, by far, has created the most mass violence across America over these last ten years than any other terrorist group. Indeed, other than 9/11, BLM has murdered more people than any other organized group in my lifetime. Nevertheless, you have placed the head of Black Lives Matter of Seattle, King County, Katrina Marie Johnson, on this task force. Why?”
Her mere presence turns this task force into a joke. What is your REAL goal here? Certainly, you will not be recommending that the legislature draft bills to decrease BLM terrorism. Who will you target for persecution? Christians? Conservatives? Republicans? Independents? Libertarians?
The mere fact that a leader in Black Lives Matter, Inc. is on the task force tells you all you need to know about their true goals. Black Lives Matter is, perhaps, the most violent organization since the Ku Klux Klan terrorized Republicans and African-Americans in the Democrat South. If the task force was truly interested in stopping domestic violence, all they need to do is to study BLM’s organizational structure, how they recruit their thugs, how they pay/reward them, when/where/how they target the neighborhoods they victimize, et al. Shutting down BLM would go a long way toward reducing “domestic extremism and mass violence,” especially mass violence. In recent years, the only perpetrators of mass violence within the state have been BLM, their terrorist buddy, Antifa, and Hamas supporters. Indeed, Hamas thugs bombed ballot drop boxes in Washington State just three weeks before the task force’s first meeting.
A world without “white supremacy” would be a world without electrical, water or sewage grids, without planes, trains or automobiles, without modern medical care, phosphate fertilizers feeding the world or ships to transport grain to countries incapable of feeding themselves (due to their lack of whites; see: S Africa, all of Africa, S America, various aborigine tribes, etc.)
No one in the global south or the Americas before Contact ever invented anything. Modernity was invented by white males. Period.
If one want to know what civilization would be like without whites and our inarguable superior intellect, just look at those cohorts living outside our civilization. They remain Neolithic. No wheel. No glass. No food. Half the kids die before age 5; 1/3 of the women die in childbirth.
Who invented civil rights and the morality of equal treatment? Self-government? “Affirmative Action?” White men.
We built a world of complex systems to feed, trade, clothe, house humanity. No one else did that. Take away whites and locals can’t even keep those systems running. Again: S Africa.
What is the focus against whites giving us? A competency crisis:
How about we stop blaming whites for what they’ve created and willingly shared, start expecting non-whites to live up to their ability to do other than shoot each other, burn down cities and be hired and promoted on melanin? Unless, of course, they know that’s their only way forward…
Who will hunt down the blm terrorists?