A world without “white supremacy” would be a world without electrical, water or sewage grids, without planes, trains or automobiles, without modern medical care, phosphate fertilizers feeding the world or ships to transport grain to countries incapable of feeding themselves (due to their lack of whites; see: S Africa, all of Africa, S America, various aborigine tribes, etc.)

No one in the global south or the Americas before Contact ever invented anything. Modernity was invented by white males. Period.

If one want to know what civilization would be like without whites and our inarguable superior intellect, just look at those cohorts living outside our civilization. They remain Neolithic. No wheel. No glass. No food. Half the kids die before age 5; 1/3 of the women die in childbirth.

Who invented civil rights and the morality of equal treatment? Self-government? “Affirmative Action?” White men.

We built a world of complex systems to feed, trade, clothe, house humanity. No one else did that. Take away whites and locals can’t even keep those systems running. Again: S Africa.

What is the focus against whites giving us? A competency crisis:


How about we stop blaming whites for what they’ve created and willingly shared, start expecting non-whites to live up to their ability to do other than shoot each other, burn down cities and be hired and promoted on melanin? Unless, of course, they know that’s their only way forward…

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WOW!!!!! Thank you for the clarity. Have you written about this topic?

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It nauseates me every time I hear a Democrat claim to be the party of "unity", when in fact its entire platform is built on silo-ing the votes of Americans by race. Every Democrat policy is designed to build the party’s voting coalition. The Democrat dream: perpetual division and a White minority. There's nothing crazy about the Democrats' agenda: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/theres-nothing-crazy-about-the-democrats

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Dave: You need to cross post this article. I already did, so can't cross post again. Diane

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Who will hunt down the blm terrorists?

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No one. Democrats love domestic terrorists.

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Better not question nor criticize Washington ‘s newly minted Democrat Governor Bob “Fidel Castro” Ferguson or his state police goons will come calling — at 6 a.m.

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Yes, my hubby thinks they will come after me.

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