You can’t shine S..t!

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Well there's a problem with the word "Liberal(-ism)": The movement that motivated our Founding Fathers, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution WAS "liberalism". The best way to think of it from today's perspective is as "Classical Liberalism." The problem with today's "Liberals" is that they've discarded all the legitimate natural law and human rights ideas that form the foundation of Classical Liberalism and appropriated the word (typical progressive language change!) for this "woke" progressivism that wants to relieve every individual of the RESPONSIBILITIES and DUTIES that necessarily accompany the RIGHTS that Classical Liberalism recognizes us as endowed with. A properly created, classical liberal republic like ours depends on those responsibilities and duties to maintain a functioning social order. So let's not get too hung up on the word. I agree, as the "Liberals" (maybe better, "progressives"?) use it today, "Liberalism" is bankrupt and is destroying the edifice of Western Civilization so fast that the work of 2000 years could vanish in a few decades!

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Thank you, Willy, for explaining Classical Liberalism. Today's "Liberalism" would be more accurately called Socialism or Marxism because it is actively destroying civil rights.

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