The war has already begun!

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Yes! And I have joined the fight!!!!

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The Civil War, cloaked in a morality play then and since, was really a clash between two economic systems and two philosophies of political control. In the North an industrial economy that needed free labor, a political philosophy of "you do what we tell you". In the South an agrarian economy where the labor force was part of the capital (property), a political philosophy of "you do you, we'll do us". The defeat of the South was a defeat of the agrarian wealth model by the industrial wealth model, and the defeat of distributed political freedom by top-down central control. Gore Vidal calls this the Third Republic.

Clearly the same impulse to control everyone and everything is still in play. The economic battle is harder to discern. But it's not that different from 1861. One side needs cheap labor and the impoverishment of the working classes, this time for a new globalist economic regime, internationalising the military-industrial-pharma-media complex. The other side is trying to protect the traditional economy and way of life that has looked after its ordinary citizens as well as the wealthy, and even the disenfranchised.

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