Tiananmen Tim Walz was rubbing elbows with California Governor Gavin Newsom and other millionaires at Newsom’s mansion outside Sacramento on Tuesday. This was Walz’s 6th or 7th fundraiser on the West Coast since Kamala Harris chose him as her running mate. Their fundraising website listed the price for admission at this event to be $3,300 for each attendee. The price Newsom paid to host the event was listed as $100,000.
At this fundraiser Walz said “I think all of us know the Electoral College needs to go. We need a national popular vote that is something. But that’s not the world we live in.” As Minnesota’s governor, Walz signed onto the unconstitutional National Popular Vote Interstate Compact which is designed to destroy the Electoral College. The details of the NPV are discussed below.
Harris said that she is “open to the discussion” of doing away with the Electoral College in 2019 during her first presidential campaign. The Electoral College is the bulwark against mob rule when choosing our presidents. Without it, Blue Cities in Blue States alone would choose presidents. Democrats believe the Electoral College is the only thing holding them back from owning the White House for all eternity.
When was the last time Democrats followed the rules, the law, or even the US Constitution which has held our nation together and protected our rights for 248 years? They are forever scheming to subvert the laws the rest of us obey. One such scheme, to which Walz was referring, is the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPV).
Seventeen states, ALL run by Democrats, plus the District of Columbia, have signed onto the NPV throwing future presidential elections into more chaos than in 2020. Democrats are trying to wipe out the Electoral College without going through the amendment process.* Since Donald beat Hillary, nine states have signed onto this backdoor method of subverting the US Constitution. Election deniers, all!
It is not a law, nor a regulation, nor a court decision, nor a ballot measure voted on by Americans. States that sign the NPV contract agree that they will completely ignore, yes I said ignore, how their citizens voted in the presidential election in their state, and give all their state’s Electoral College Votes to whichever candidate gets the most votes nationwide. In theory, this could be a Republican candidate, but the Democrats who devised this scheme believe this will produce wins only for Democrat presidential candidates for all eternity.
The Democrats hope to have enough states signed onto the NPV contract in time to throw the 2028 presidential election into a constitutional crisis which will then go to the US Supreme Court to determine who won the election. This is one reason they were so desperate to keep a dementia patient in the White House, that is, so they could add two MORE justices to the court who do not respect our constitution.
The NPV contract is an end run around the amendment process of the US Constitution, and thus is totally unconstitutional. The Democrats, Progressives, Marxists who put together this scheme are not ignorant. They know it is unconstitutional; but, they believe that the US Supreme Court will be owned by Progressives & Marxists by 2028 and will rule in their favor. Biden has already placed one avowed Marxist on the court, Justice Jackson, who has clearly stated she does not approve of Freedom of Speech and Press in the First Amendment. Should Kamala Harris wind up in the White House, one could reasonably expect her to replace one or two aging justices with those who believe the constitution is flawed and need not be followed.
A TRUE national popular vote for president is rather simple. State lines are ignored. The Electoral College section of the US Constitution is repealed. All votes across the country are collectively added up, and the candidate with the most votes wins, even if it is less than 50%, such as the 1992 election when Bill Clinton was elected with only 47% of the vote.
To repeal the Electoral College section of the constitution requires an amendment. Several such proposals have been introduced by Democrats in Congress over the decades. All these efforts failed. An amendment must pass in both the US House & US Senate by a two-thirds vote and then it must be ratified by three-fourths of the states, that is, 38 states.** Democrats know this will never happen because they don’t own 38 states, so they are trying to make an end run around the US CONSTITUTION.
When was the last time power-mad Democrats followed our constitution? They have spent the last 50+ years undermining it, with great success. Indeed, it could be said that the Biden/Harris Regime has done the most damage to our Constitutional Rights than any other administration. Remember when we had total freedom of speech? Can you find “thought crimes” in the US Constitution?
And what about permits required to bear arms? THAT is not in the constitution. Remember when Americans could freely exercise their faith? Covid gave bullies the unconstitutional excuse to close church services. Is there anything in our constitution that says some people deserve more rights than others? No? Then why is the DC Swamp giving out tax dollars based upon skin color?
Despite our precious Bill of Rights, Americans are oppressed & controlled by WAY TOO MANY rules & regulations written by unelected bureaucrats and promoted by Democrats, RINOs and sundry other totalitarians.
Why do Democrats believe this “compact” will help them win all future presidential elections? In theory, this could help the RNC as much as the DNC, right? But, theory is not real life.
In practice, Democrats and many others believe the high-population areas will choose all future presidents under the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Those are the areas that are packed with Democrat voters, many expecting Democrat politicians to give them more & better benefits at the expense of Americans living in the rest of the country. Indeed, most states that have adopted the NPV Compact are owned by Democrats, and have been for decades.^^
Narcissistic Democrats have been seething ever since George W. Bush beat Bill Clinton’s Vice President, Al Gore, in the 2000 presidential election.^ They have been scheming ever since.
With Trump’s win in 2016 Democrats and some RINOs went stark-raving mad. Four days after Trump’s win, New York’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, was so incensed that he issued a press release promoting the NPV Compact which he had signed over two years earlier, in April 2014. Since the 2016 election, nine states have signed onto this backdoor method of subverting the US Constitution. Election deniers, all!
When the NPV states add up to 270 Electoral Votes, the Democrats believe that they will never lose a presidential election again. With last year’s addition of Nevada and Minnesota, they currently have 209.^^
Constitutional scholars question that this scheme would pass constitutional muster. Regardless, the first presidential election that involves this “Interstate Compact” will be thrown into the courts and it will be weeks before a president-elect is declared, repeating the chaos created by Democrats in 2000.^
Will the US Supreme Court need to step in again to prevent the Democrats from stealing the 2028 presidential election?^^ Perhaps the better question is: will they step in or will they allow the Democrats to steal the presidency in 2028 like they did in 2020?
The real problem with NPV is that article 1 leaves the assignment of electoral college votes to the states; but each state independently can agree to NPV, which opens the question of it violating the interstate compact clause, which will need to be decided by SCOTUS. If it’s not seen as a compact, the ability to stop it is questionable.
It would be very cool if enough states got on-board… and then the GOP won the popular vote. Dems would undo it so fast your head would spin.
But if they put it in place and the result was the opposite of how the EC had worked since the 18thC, I’d expect serious resistance from Americans to the conmies(D), up to and including secession.
Democrats are like termites. They are constantly chewing and gnawing away at our Constitutional protections in their never ending lust for power.