The real problem with NPV is that article 1 leaves the assignment of electoral college votes to the states; but each state independently can agree to NPV, which opens the question of it violating the interstate compact clause, which will need to be decided by SCOTUS. If it’s not seen as a compact, the ability to stop it is questionable.

It would be very cool if enough states got on-board… and then the GOP won the popular vote. Dems would undo it so fast your head would spin.

But if they put it in place and the result was the opposite of how the EC had worked since the 18thC, I’d expect serious resistance from Americans to the conmies(D), up to and including secession.

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So since the Dems are openly creating a compact of states in violation of the Constitution (they are way ahead of us as usual): Republicans must form a CONGRESS OF REPUBLICAN STATES: If we don’t start using our dwindling power soon, it will all be gone: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/republicans-must-form-a-congress

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Oct 12Liked by Diane L. Gruber

That’s the problem. NPV can be presented and defended as NOT a compact as it does not require agreement between any two or more states. It simply says that State X will allot its electoral votes to the nominee winning the popular vote, nationally. It goes into effect not because of agreement between States, but in the event of a sufficient number of States passing State-level legislation to do so, the trigger being when the combined electoral votes of States passing it equals 270 or above.

There really is no interstate compact. It’s a very clever idea. It seems to abide by the text of the Constitution while eviscerating the spirit and tradition.

Which is why it is likely only SCOTUS can make the call. Whether they will, and whether their decision will be overturned later, are huge unknowns. But the left never tires, never sleeps, never stops working to destroy freedom and liberty.

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As to a Republican “Congress of States…” how much faith do you have in the GOP of McConnell, Graham, Conyers, Johnson, to put Americans and our free future over the swamp? I’ve none. But they are the clowns who would preside over any “Congress of States” or Art-5 convention. And we’d absolutely lose 1A, 2A, 3A (which should be reinterpreted, post “Patriot Act,” as any listening in to your phone, text or email), 4A, 5A, 6A, 9A, 10A.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

I don't disagree with you. But unfortunately, the Republican Party is all we've got. The alternative is to collapse into complete debauchery and criminality. Democrats no longer even bother trying to hide it: Democrats repackage debauchery and death as joy: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/democrats-repackage-debauchery-and

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I still find myself wishing that DJT had gone full-Perot and built his own party. Remember - Perot quit the race mid-summer, then got back in in, IIRC, September, and STILL got 19%. We are much angrier now at a much-more recognized Deep State. Had DJT done this, we could be done with the GOPe, but he didn’t. So as you note, the GOPe is all we’ve got.

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Well I have a dim view of the prospects for third parties in the USA, as I discuss here: "What Ranked-Choice Voting is really about": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/what-ranked-choice-voting-is-really. As for what DJT could have done and still be doing with much greater effectiveness than what he's doing now: "Trump could have been the Soros of the Right (but he isn't)": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/trump-could-have-been-the-soros-of

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Democrats are like termites. They are constantly chewing and gnawing away at our Constitutional protections in their never ending lust for power.

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The Tree fell …

Ya know.

Move on.

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2028? 🤣🤣🤣 a lifetime away, indeed many lifetimes … ☠️🪦

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Joe&Jill went up the Hill, hid in the basement and won.

All Kamala and Tim had to do was hide in the basement and they were in, but Noooo… they wanted to be public. Now they got problems.

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You have to hand it to the Democrats. They'll do anything to win an election. Why doesn't someone (probably a Republican, but it could be a Conservative Democrat) bring suit claiming damages as their vote won't be constitutionally counted and therefore their civil rights are infringed?

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