1. In 1948, Alabama - a one-party (D) state - refused a ballot position to the sitting (D) president because they wanted to as he’d just integrated the military and Democrats couldn’t abide that. States have full control of their elections (Art 1, Sec 4).

2. The question isn’t how to undo CO’s (probably pyrrhic) ruling, but why Ronna McRomney isn’t publicizing 1948 and working to remove Biden from red state ballots.

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Excellent point, Alexander!!!! So, due to the Democrat Party's abject racism, they took Harry S. Truman, a Democrat off the ballot in Alabama. Very interesting!!!

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Publicly, bravely, without hiding behind some BS court.

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Civil war on the way! We have destroyed our progeny’s future. They will live like rats.

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I am worried you and I will live like rats in our final years.

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Yup. Michael Yon. Substack contributor, predicted these numbers we are presently seeing running up to New Years and into 2024 over 18 months ago. He has seen this phenomenon over decades of global travels first hand. Arm up. Train. Prepare. The battlefield is being set. The terrain is being occupied. War is upon us. This time couch potatoes will be included.

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And the new arrivals in recent months have been 99% military-aged men, most from enemy countries. https://dianelgruber.substack.com/p/why-is-biden-importing-military-aged

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Exactly Diane. So few “family units” but mostly as you indicated. In the 11 month run-up to Nov 24 election, if it is held at all, this former republic will experience more social/economic and cultural convulsions than in the previous 250 years. This next year will touch us all. Often in very unpleasant ways.

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I am doing what I can to save our country; but, I fear it is too late. So glad I am a Baby Boomer which means I might be gone before the final collapse.

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Hail Boomers! I’m a bit ahead of Diane. 1943. But not going to cave one inch either !

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THAT is why The Left wants to kill off anyone over 60. We remember what true freedom was like. Those under 40 certainly do not.

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Yes. But I say we all are targets. The jab juice is toxic no matter the formula.

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So we are peeking around the corner of history. And, once again, history is being fabricated. Amazing that, after 250 years, we haven’t learned anything.

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So much TREASON!

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The Police State has already set up their "system" to imprison Republicans & Conservatives if we fight back against the Democrat tyranny; therefore, they are merely taking the next step to destroy voting rights.

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Ok. Well, I submit the Ruling party eats it enemies and eventually itself. Their arrogance, ignorance and incompetence will be their death as well. Clearly this is NOT partisan. Patriots and tyrants. The battle began in 1963. (That can be argued of course!)

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Some believe that, first LBJ transferred Americans' earnings to the DC Swamp who used it to fund The Left, which is responsible fo the destruction we see today. Then, they HAD TO GET RID OF THE GOP PRESIDENT WHO WAS OVERWHELMINGLY RE-ELECTED IN 1972: Nixon. There was no stopping them after that success.

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The beat goes on.

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