They saw how illegals were favored over citizens who lost their homes to hurricane.

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America... love it or leave it! That goes double for celebrities.

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The Democrat leadership used incredible lies to get their constituents to HATE Trump.

Who else used LIES to get a whole country to hate a group? Oh, yeah, Hitler villified the Jews with utter Lies. Democrat Leadership = NAZIs

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Liberals looked at the conservatives like it's us against them, instead of addressing issues that all most Anericans care about which is inflation and immigration. They constantly had a message of division and fear and thought they would win on that message, but the red map showed them something else.

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All they want is to be in charge, even if it means destroying the USA.

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You are 100% right. Our votes in this election changed their plans to be in charge.

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A priority of the Trump administration should be tackling Democrat voter fraud and election rigging. Returning to paper ballots cast on Election Day by voters with picture identification will prevent the resurrection of the missing 20 million Democrat “voters” who gave us Joe Biden, two wars and record high inflation, good and energy prices.

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I agree!

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We actually love democracy. Stop lying. You're being a useful idiot for Putin. That's Anti American.

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Democrats have no imagination. You all need to find another lie to feed to your brainwashed minions. The 2024 landslide was too big to rig.

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1.49% loss isn't a 'landslide'. Republicans are the Liars and you're the 'mark'. Data doesn't lie, but Trump does.

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