Regarding your line, "The reason Democrat crimes have mushroomed in recent years so due to the fact that they never pay for their crimes. If they feared possible prosecution & imprisonment, there would be fewer Democrat crimes."... You are right - All they need to do is pick two or three and go after them!

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Check out the Julie Kelly article I just cross posted.

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“WITH TRUMP’S MANDATE, REPUBLICANS CAN GROW A BACKBONE” — But will they? The Trump DoJ needs to aggressively pursue the miscreants — both Democrats and Republicans — or lawfare abuse with its fabricated charges will continue to be used against American patriots.

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The new Trump Administration should follow the Golden Rule. The new Congress should enact legislation against political lawfare. New unbiased judges appointed to lower courts will complete the circle of "lawfare retribution."

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I have sat through too many years of waiting for Republicans to do something (rather than merely investigate and complain about the crimes of Democrats) to have much hope here. Wake me up when any Republican anywhere actually puts any Democrat in jail.

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But Republicans won’t grow a backbone because of Protestant brainwashing to be pray for your enemies and do nothing else but pray, because God won’t like you anymore if you actually stand up for yourself and kick a Democrat’s ass, like Jesus did, when He stood up to the Pharisees “for being of their father the Devil; the father of lies, in whom there is no truth,”. America n Christians have been taught to blindly obey govt and they quote Romans 13:1 out of context as their cowardly defense💀

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