According to a 2019 report by The CATO Institute, "federal, state, and local governments will spend close to a combined $1 trillion to fund more than 100 separate anti‐​poverty programs. In fact, since Lyndon Johnson declared 'war on poverty' in 1965, government efforts to fight poverty have cost more than $23 trillion." Who has benefitted? Not the poverty stricken, but the government agencies and NGOs that control the trillions of taxpayer dollars spent to generate more victims of poverty. With a TRILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS in play each year, leftists understand "poverty solving" is good business -- create the crisis, then make money solving the crisis.

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Bingo!!! Currently, the "homeless industry" is raking in the tax dollars AND not helping the homeless. There were NO homeless people in the Wenatchee Valley when I was growing up in 50s & 60s. My dad supported FIVE people with his wages. We had a huge house, three bedrooms, two full baths, kitchens upstairs & downstairs (for canning), two fireplaces, family room, living room, SWIMMING POOL, on 1.5 acres. Us kids were out of the house by the time the War on Poverty made this type of household impossible.

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At that time when LBJ was in office, most moms didn’t work outside the home besides volunteering at schools, and for church activities. I believe that when women started entering the workforce, at that time, wages were pushed lower, and inflation increased. I remember my mother taking a “typing” class at night school because she was worried that she should be prepared to hold down a job to help make ends meet. Neighborhoods were safer when moms worked at home keeping watch over their family and their community. Single income families are rare these days, inflation has made it so mothers have two jobs, one where she has to leave the home, and the other when she returns to her family.

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And LBJ's huge tax raise eventually made it impossible to raise a family on one income. That was also the beginning of the end of families with 5, 6, 7, 8 kids.

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I was in grade school and wasn’t aware of the increases in federal taxes, but the War on Poverty and the War in Vietnam were big news items. Both “wars” were a sham with much money laundering like the Biden regime brought about today. There are so many similarities between then and now and how Ronald Reagan, a true conservative who was also once a Democrat, saw the need to change our country, by taking it back to its traditional values of rugged individualism and independence. We see a repeat of history with Donald Trump returning America to the roots of the Founders established. This time we had the same corruption and mismanagement that comes from radical Democrats who favor marxism and disdain American culture, traditions, and family values. I hope my grand children won’t lose the America that Donald Trump a true Conservative is struggling to save. We were so close to a total loss this time.

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Good to remember that “representative” (LOL) government exists to create catastrophes they can campaign on. If they fixed anything, they’d be removing their own campaign ammo. It’s like the wars we demand to fight but refuse to win: no one buys bullets for won wars; they NEED the crises to get re-elected, which is (obviously) the ONLY thing any of them care about.

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Hi Diane-thank you for this article full of unfortunate truths. I was raised in a very nice town in so cal, dad working, mom stayed at home. When I went to college (my dad saved and paid for that too) it was all about women and how we were under represented in the work place. I got a degree and have been in the workplace for over 25 years. My husband and I have good jobs, struggle to provide our kids with vacations, a nice home, cars, eyc because we can’t afford anything. I remember my dad telling me at one point that I wasn’t “trying hard enough “ to stay home with the kids when they were young. It angers me but he is from a generation that was so different. I’m grateful for my parents, now they are helping us financially instead of the other way around. I pray for my kids, and what their future holds.

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People will never stop begging the government for more. I’m 61, come of age in the seventies. It was tough times. There was no easy credit. No one has Heath Insurance because we didn’t need it. We also never ever dreamed of asking for handouts. Not from the government or anyone else.

Flash forward to today, and it seems everyone has their hands out. The rich use foundations. The poor use the government and lately FB. I see FP post everyday of people begging for money to pay for food rent or bills. There’s no shame in that anymore.

Plus, women are not getting married until after they have children. That way the government pays for everything. It’s the new family planning for rural Americans.

No shame. Not what so ever.

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And, as I practiced family law from 1986 to 2020, I noticed that ever more women were having kids FOR the big child support payments which were not taxed. If you had two kids by two men, you got more $$$ than if the kids had the same dad. Also, I saw women TARGET men with high paying careers, tell them they were on the pill and, BINGO! $2000-4000 per month child support payments for 18 years.

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His staffers have been handling presidential duties for 4 years.

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It was rhetorical but at least we know WHO WILL BE GITMO'D for Crimes against We the People. They will NOT get away with it. And then they will have to answer to God Himself.

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In large part, your question was answered by Daniel Patrick Moynihan - who was employed by JFK and LBJ ; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Negro_Family:_The_Case_For_National_Action

His 1965 report on Black poverty, dug down deeply and produced the truth at a time when Moynihan was a liberal scholar.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan in 1969

Black sociologist E. Franklin Frazier had introduced that idea in the 1930s, but Moynihan was considered one of the first academicians to defy conventional social-science wisdom about the structure of poverty. As he wrote later,

The work began in the most orthodox setting, the US Department of Labor, to establish at some level of statistical conciseness what 'everyone knew': that economic conditions determine social conditions. Whereupon, it turned out that what everyone knew was evidently not so.[1]

The report concluded that the high rate of families headed by single mothers would greatly hinder progress of blacks toward economic and political equality. The Moynihan Report was criticized by liberals at the time of publication, and its conclusions remain controversial.”

IMHO, still worth reading, but controversial still.

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Moynihan was also pro-life. Do we actually have a single Democrat in the federal government that fearlessly stands as a pro-life politician?

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You can go to a pro-life website where they give a score to every Representative & Senator.

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Thanks Phil! I thought I would give AI a try and and I asked Grok which is Elon Musk’s AI system on X. I got a quick reply that the numbers have dwindled over the years, and that Joe Manchin in the Senate, and Henry Cuellar in the House are the only two Democrats that are pro-life. I’m glad that we have these two examples of the old, more conservative Democratic Party.

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It’s shocking looking at the map of states who were previously solid pro-life conservative states now with B and C grades on the votes cast on pro-life issues by their elected representatives.

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People want convenience. No convicted consciences.

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I never realized that we had this kind of issue right here on the Peninsula. I will be at the next meeting

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Edie: I am hoping to get a person from the food bank to come to December 14th meeting to advise us what they are doing now that Bidenomics has TRIPLED the need. Diane

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The purpose of the Great Society was to impoverish Americans, particularly minorities, and that pesky Middle Class always yammering about liberty, to make them dependent on the ever-larger government for which they have been voting ever since.

My family - we three kids and married parents with only Dad working, lived in a fine house in a good neighborhood and took annual month-long vacations until LBJs inflation & taxes set in. Then Mom went off to work.

The entitlement mentality LBJ drove is at the root of all of the “equity” and “rights” nonsense as it laid the foundations for not having to work to keep up with the Joneses. He hammered a stake through personal responsibility from which we may recover only via extralegal means..

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Bingo!!! My dad supported FIVE people with his wages. We had a huge house, three bedrooms, two full baths, kitchens upstairs & downstairs (for canning), two fireplaces, family room, living room, SWIMMING POOL, on 1.5 acres. Us kids were out of the house by the time the War on Poverty made this type of household impossible.

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