The difference between a Constitutional sheriff and a non-Constitutional sheriff is easy to discern. A Constitutional sheriff will not obey any laws, rules, regulations or edicts that are in violation of either the US Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, or the state’s constitution. A sheriff that does not respect his residents’ constitutional rights will obey all statutes, rules, regulations and edicts signed by politicians & bureaucrats. He/she will not do any research to determine if his/her actions are constitutional, instead will merely take marching orders from his/her government overlords.
During the Covid lockdown, if your sheriff arrested people because they attended church services, he/she is NOT a Constitutional sheriff. One does not need to be a Constitutional scholar to recognize that no politician or bureaucrat has the authority to wipe out one’s First Amendment right to freely exercise his/her religion.
If your sheriff sent deputies to your house because you had “too many guests” in violation of the governor’s or mayor’s or county commissioner’s unconstitutional mandate against private gatherings, he/she is NOT a Constitutional sheriff. Neither the governor nor the mayor nor the county commission nor any politician or bureaucrat has the right to interfere with YOUR right of association (to associate with whomever, whenever, wherever, however you choose) which is guaranteed by the First Amendment: “the right of the people peaceably to assemble.”
Do you get the point? Even if your state’s lawmakers have passed a bill and your governor has signed it, if any part of it violates any part of our US Constitution, especially our precious Bill of Rights, or your state’s constitution, a Constitutional sheriff will not enforce it.
The Bluer your state or your city, the more you need the protections afforded by a Constitutional sheriff. The further Left a politician or bureaucrat is, the less respect they have for constitutional rights and for YOU, the ordinary citizen and, thus, you have greater need for a Constitutional sheriff.
Washington Attorney General and Democrat Governor-Elect Bob Ferguson does not see the Bill of Rights as an obstacle to his tyranny. His AG office has written a number of bills during his 12-year tenure which, if passed, chip, chip, chip away at Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Religion. Some were passed and signed by Marxist Governor Inslee. An article about one of the most troubling laws can be found linked at the end of this article. It becomes effective July 1, 2025, so all Washingtonians will soon need a Constitutional sheriff.
Sheriff Garcia has stated that he will not harass nor arrest any person the AG Office claims is in violation of this new, unconstitutional statute. THIS is why Democrats, RINOs and Washington’s Deep State have to get rid of him!
Daniel Garcia was elected as a write-in candidate in November, 2022, with over 61% of the vote, and took office January 1, 2023. He has made no bones about his respect for both the US Constitution and the Washington State Constitution. He has publicly stated many times that, if a statute, rule, regulation or mandate conflicts with either constitution, he will not enforce it. Indeed, the first time I organized and emceed the Peninsula Patriots’ Legislators’ Town Hall (July 2023), Garcia attended and explained to the audience the duties of a Constitutional sheriff.
Garcia views one of his roles as protector of the county’s 27,000 residents, standing between them and government tyranny. Reminding me of how the DC Swamp treated Trump 45, county government snakes have been spying on, cataloguing and undermining Sheriff Garcia’s every move, as he continues to make improvements to every aspect of the sheriff’s office and duties. Indeed, one of them leaks lies and half-truths to the two local newspapers on a regular basis in order to undermine Sheriff Garcia. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Sheriff Garcia is extremely popular with county residents for many reasons. One reason is because he seeks out our opinions and listens to us. Another reason is because he reinstated patrols in certain areas of the county where they have not existed for years. His entire staff supports him because he has made so many improvements and because he respects them & their ideas. He has increased training, including firearms training. Sheriff Garcia started a cold case unit. To date, they have solved FIVE cold murder cases, one dating back to July 2015.
Defunding Garcia is just one step in Ferguson’s and Democrats’ long range plans to defund all elected sheriffs in Washington State and replace them with Ferguson’s hand-picked lackeys.
The jail was in disrepair for years, and the two previous sheriffs made no attempt to upgrade it. Jail conditions were not only dangerous for inmates (some of the cell doors were hard to unlock), it was dangerous for jail staff, as well. Sheriff Garcia applied for and received a $450,000 remodeling grant from the State of Washington. Construction will soon be completed.
Sheriff Garcia terminated the previous head jailer and replaced him with Commander Inspector Mike Parker (seen in photo above) who recently received an award because his quick action saved an inmate from committing suicide. The county overlords, with no notice to the public and only eight days notice to Sheriff Garcia, issued Parker his severance packet because the head county overlord^ is taking over jail operations and hiring a friend to manage it.
At a county commissioners’ meeting the day after Christmas the head overlord^ recommended to the three elected commissioners, two Democrats and one RINO, that jail management be transferred five days later, on January 1, 2025. The very small meeting room was packed, standing room only because the commissioners had removed about one-third of the chairs and blocked that space with tables.
This writer, who spoke at the meeting, counted over 80 in-person attendees. In addition, 150 residents attended via Zoom. Another one thousand or so watched the meeting on Facebook. Of the 50 or so who made public comments, ONLY ONE approved of taking jail management away from Sheriff Garcia. With a middle finger to Pacific County residents, all three commissioners voted to take yet another part of his authority away from our Constitutional sheriff.
Stay tuned. As I write this, county residents are gathering to challenge this Marxist transfer of responsibilities from an elected, accountable official to an unelected, unaccountable county overlord. I will write further about Ferguson’s long range plans to defund elected sheriffs and replace them with lackeys he appoints. Also, I will keep my readers updated on the county residents’ revolt against our overlords’ disenfranchisement of voters.
Leftist Democrats like Washington's Governor-elect Bob Ferguson believe correctly that their constituents are malleable and eager to submit, like sheep, to blindly accepting the party's Marxist ideology. Our Constitution’s guarantees of individual rights and freedom are passé. These "sheep" are the conditioned wards of a big government, which promises to take care of them. Democrat politicians and their bureaucratic collaborators are only too willing to oblige.
Great information, Diane. I wish this was a federal requirement.