On May 23, 2019, Democrat Governor Jay Inslee signed legislation from Washington State’s Democrat Legislature granting “super citizen” status to foreign nationals residing illegally in the his state. This statute provided broad sanctuary protections for illegal aliens who commit crimes, and ranked among the strongest statewide mandates in the nation. California and Oregon have similar laws. We call these three states COW because, if one state implements a horrible idea, the other two quickly follow.
The very next day, May 24, 2019, Raul Benitez Santana, the future killer, was charged with domestic violence assault in King County (Seattle). The new sanctuary statute prevented King County from turning him over to ICE for deportation.
On February 23, 2017 Inslee signed an executive order with provisions similar to those found in the statute he signed two years later. Democrats, who own the state, suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, and wanted to invite foreigners to come to Washington State to commit their crimes. Under the EO and the statute, local law enforcement are prohibited from asking about immigration status or place of birth. Neither local jails nor state prisons are allowed to comply with immigration holds requested by federal authorities or from notifying federal authorities when an illegal is about to be released from their custody.
Two years ago Inslee begged the federal government to allow Washington to give illegals free health care under Obamacare, anything to entice them to move into and stay in the state. The request was granted. Did the killer described below sign up for taxpayer-funded health insurance for illegal aliens, provided through Washington’s health insurance exchange? We don’t know.
State Trooper Christopher Gadd, 27, who joined the state patrol on Sept. 16, 2021, was parked on the shoulder on I-5 in Marysville, north of Seattle, in the wee hours of the morning of March 2nd when he was struck by a SUV that was driving at a high rate of speed.
Raul Benitez Santana, 33, admitted to smoking weed and drinking beers before slamming his SUV into Gadd’s patrol car. A witness told police the fast-moving SUV swerved and hit the back of Gadd’s patrol car as it was parked on the shoulder, before spinning into the fast lane, where it was hit by a van carrying six passengers. Gadd was pronounced dead at the scene. Santana, with bloodshot eyes, walked away with scratches.
Santana is a Mexican National with a lengthy rap. It’s not known when he arrived in the country nor how many times he may have crossed back & forth, but an ICE spokesperson confirmed he’s had at least seven run-ins with the law in Washington, including domestic violence.
In 2012, Santana was cited for speeding.
On May 3, 2013, Santana was fined $750 for driving with a suspended license in Lynnwood. [NOTE: COW knowingly gives drivers’ licenses to illegals. This is just one of the perks they receive as soon as they arrive.] Two weeks later, he was sentenced to 90 days in jail for marijuana possession, with 87 days suspended.
On October 28, 2013, Santana was at the South Correctional Entity, in Burien, south of Seattle, following his arrest for failure to appear for driving while his license was suspended.
On October 6, 2014, Santana was sentenced to 90 days in jail for driving with a suspended license, with 85 days suspended.
In 2015, Santana was cited for a speed too fast for road conditions.
In 2020, Santana was cited for driving 49 mph over the speed limit. Say what?
As you can see, the authorities had at least seven chances to deport Santana, most before Washington State became a sanctuary state and before he killed Trooper Gadd. So, why is he still here?
Let me get this straight. The State of Washington kept & babied this worthless Mexican National who had no respect for our laws for over a decade, but lost a married father of a two-year-old, someone who risked his own life to protect Washingtonians. Gadd’s father (WSP Trooper David Gadd) and sister are state troopers in Washington & Texas, respectively. Gadd became the 33rd Washington State Trooper to die in the line of duty. [If you want to help the family, see below.*]
Santana is being held on $1 million bail at the Snohomish County Jail after a judge found probable cause to charge him with vehicular homicide and vehicular assault. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Seattle Enforcement and Removal Operations has placed an immigration detainer^ on Santana. It is unknown if the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office will honor ICE’s request to hold Santana in custody if bail is posted, making him a flight risk.
Detainer? Detainer? Isn’t that in violation of Washington’s Sanctuary Jurisdiction Statute? The detainer is eleven years and one life too late.
^A detainer is the primary tool used by ICE to gain custody of criminal foreign nationals for deportation. It is a notice to another law enforcement agency that ICE intends to assume custody of a foreign national and includes information on the person’s previous criminal history, immigration violations, and potential threat to public safety or security.
ICE lodges detainers on individuals who have been arrested on criminal charges and there is probable cause to believe the person is a removable non-citizen. Under the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA), a person who enters the U.S. without permission is “inadmissible,” meaning that they are generally ineligible to adjust status (or apply for a visa) while still in the United States. If the foreign national takes a voluntary departure from the U.S., she can apply for admission back into the U.S. after being abroad for three or ten years.
*The Washington State Patrol Memorial Foundation has shared below four ways community members can make donations for the Gadd family. All of the donations received in Trooper Gadd’s name will be given directly to the family.
Using Venmo, donations can be sent to @WSP-MemorialFoundation. Please note “Trooper Gadd” in the note section. (If last 4 is requested, use 4411)
Go into any Chase Bank Branch and make a check deposit into the “Washington State Patrol Memorial Foundation” account. “Trooper Gadd” should be noted on the check note line.
Using your own bank, you can log in online or through your mobile app and make a donation using Zelle. Donations can be sent to our WSPMF number, 360-597-4411, or email, wspmemorialfoundation@gmail.com. Please note “Trooper Gadd”. All donations received will be held for the family. There are no fees with using Zelle.
You can mail a check made out to WSPMF with “Trooper Gadd” on the note line to:
WSP Memorial Foundation
PO Box 901
Prosser, WA 99350
For any questions, please contact Megan King at wspmemorialfoundation@gmail.com.
Democrat progressives continue to place that dead Albatross around the neck of America.
If Trump wins in November, and if Rs can take congress, the logical solution to the secessionist “sanctuary” movement is to end all federally-distributed dollars to those cities. Move military bases out. Terminate all FBI, US Marshals, fed courts, highway funds, etc.
Because “sanctuary” differs not at all from secession, no money, salaries or services provided by the union should be expended there.