Democrat progressives continue to place that dead Albatross around the neck of America.

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If Trump wins in November, and if Rs can take congress, the logical solution to the secessionist “sanctuary” movement is to end all federally-distributed dollars to those cities. Move military bases out. Terminate all FBI, US Marshals, fed courts, highway funds, etc.

Because “sanctuary” differs not at all from secession, no money, salaries or services provided by the union should be expended there.

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I agree! Use the power of the purse to stop the madness! Defund The Left!!!!!!

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Those who continue to vote for and support Democrat candidates and their radical America Last policies obviously lack a conscience and have no self-awareness of the death and misery they are visiting on American families. Trooper Gadd’s family has suffered a loss from which there is no return. It will haunt them to their graves. The state’s Democrat hierarchy, from Gov. Jay Inslee on down, will pay lip-service to Trooper Gadd and his family’s tremendous loss but move not an inch away from their sanctuary state and city statutes that make American families second class citizens.

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And Biden doesn't care. He made that VERY clear at the SOTU speech.

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