What a sick world we live in?! What happened to honor and responsibility and loving your country enough to do the right thing? They all are running like rats in the dark instead of standing up for the truth.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023Author

Edie: And this could happened to you & me. Crossing my fingers that I am gone before the FBI, DOJ, TSA, CIA et al targets me. Diane

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Hobson's Choice. Plead guilty or bankrupt yourself (and your family) attempting to defend yourself against fabricated or false charges. Legal abuse in the old Soviet Union and GDR was tame compared to Joe Biden's Marxist Justice Department bullies and his George Soros funded prosecutors.

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We are small potatoes compared to those that are high visibility although you are pushing it with all your writing and involvement. Still, I know the danger is out there all the time.

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We may be small potatoes, but the authoritarian Justice Department and FBI may consider us as targets for punishment to silence the opposition.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

Not as small as you might think. I live in a county that daily arrests and targets innocent people. They frame them if they can't create big enough cases. All if this to get bonuses and fill jail and probation programs.

Many tried to warn everyone but it seems too ludicrous until the next unsuspecting person has it happen to them. Lives are utterly destroyed all for the courts, judges, DA, sheriff's, local police etc to have more money and recognition. Many have died from the stress of what is done to them.

I am talking constantly- not just once in a while. Make no mistake- anyone can be targeted at any time.

Example: grandmother watched her little grandson daily. He was tge apple of her eye. He stopped breathing. She called 911 and did CPR and artificial respiration to save his life. He died anyway (probably due to the vaccines given to him).

The county arrested her for murder and put her in jail for a long time, throwing the case on purpose. I knew the lawyer and neighbors. She died of the sheer horror and stress of what they did to her.

That is just 1 of hundreds of cases at a time that they do things to people to break them and destroy their lives so they can make money off of them.

And that is not anywhere near the level of what is being done to these people in this article.

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What we do not know is

Has anyone from any if these families been threatened or kidnapped?

Have there been recorded conversations or honeypot films made of any of these people as blackmail to coerce them?

Are these people being subjected to mental abuse to break them that we DONT see?

Are their feelings of safety being eaten away at either break ins, constant reminders they are being watched or harassed?

Have any if their pets been hurt or attacked?

Lawyers tend to jump too quickly on the "maybe they are guilty" train in my experience. As servants of the courts they tend to lose the bigger picture possibilities.

We are dealing with viciously evil demonically driven people who will do anything to destroy what they want destroyed- ANYTHING.

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How many angels can dance on the point of a needle???

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It’s overtime to fix this travesty!!!

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