Boy’s swinging’ for the bleachers already.

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I have a suggested addition: regarding classification of documents beyond a specified time, continuing classification must state the reason, being as specific as possible and must bear the names of each person responsible for the classification

Second: all documents submitted to any investigative body which contain redactions, each redaction must include an explanation of the purpose, a date certain for release of redaction and the name and signature of the redacting agent. That agent shall be subject to subpoena and must provide testimony regarding the redaction which may be overridden by a competent authority. All such review will be conducted on a very strict, limited time restriction.

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If Trump could only pull off his 10 point plan, his face would end up on our money. Fingers crossed.

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Also while not directly on point huge impact - revoke JFK’s EO that allows federal employees to form unions - even FDR was against that - will be a huge middle finger to leftists every where

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i hope he pardons all the J6 prisoners

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Really Appreciate this post.

I had dropped my Glenn Beck Subscription.As I listen to Erick Woods Erickson.

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The Department of Homeland Security should be located within seeing

Distance with the naked eye

Of the Southern Border.

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This is right on. Trump is focusing on America First! Let's support him!

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That’s a substantial list. I honestly don’t know how it will fare in practice with both the House and Senate having Republican control by limited margins. I am sure of one thing, however: there is much to at least lend substantial weight to in the list of proposals.

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Spot on. The swamp is deep and dark, and the DC bureaucracies are worthless or worse. End the SES. Drain the Swamp. Term limits would also be good.

DO NOT VOTE FOR Thune or Cornyn. #Trump2024. #Senate2024 Call 202-224-3121. See our book "invisible Treason" -- it was the #1 New Book on Amazon last year.

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I am crossing my fingers that Thune doesn't stab Trump and America in the back.

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Lucifer. The statue of liberty is Lucifer.

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Let me say first off, we are not a democracy. We are a republic for which it stands people stand up. He is not going to save you. He is part of their agenda. Keep your minds vigilant through this transition of takeover, literally of your body and mind.

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Don't believe anything Trump says or does. Remember it first he's always been a con man blow hard toxic car baby that cannot be trusted

He said he would drain the swamp first term he didn't do s***

Only thing he did was first month and EO against the revolving door that was number 13,770

His last month he did another EO to revoke it 13,893

Clinton pulled the same scam

Trump called him out for it back then

Then when Trump was in office he did the same thing

Not that anyone needs more proof Trump is a con man but there is

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Your “paraphrased list” is Spot On!

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1. All stock trading stops Immediately!

All IRA, 401k, and 403b eliminated

Retirement plans cut and Social Security is now their retirement plan.

All medical coverage stopped. Medicare is their plan and their hospitals and Dr.s are at the VA

If you have a problem with that, maybe you should fix them!

Pay is the same as Social Security. The longest employed are at the Social Security maximum

Term limits are two terms - Period

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