FAKE biden never met a tax he didn't LOVE. I was appalled at the TAX on SOCIAL SECURITY! Talk about RIPPING PEOPLE OFF! That guy is SO CHEAP, TOO! He constantly eats ice cream in front of the reporters and other people (not that there are any interested in seeing him outside the WH) and he NEVER BUYS ANYONE AN ICE CREAM! On the other hand, Trump buys EVERYONE in whatever JAM-PACKED restaurant he goes into, Pizzas and whatever they are serving! DJT is BEYOND Generous--WITH HIS OWN MONEY EVERY TIME! biden is a CHEAT and CHEAP and, like an old friend of mine used to say: "He's tighter than a fishes BUM; and that's WATERTIGHT!" The difference is STARK! One LOVES the PEOPLE; and the other HATES EVERYONE--but he WANTS ALL OF YOUR MONEY AND HE IS NOT ABOVE TAKING IT!

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Not just Judas Joe, but every damn Democrat. Tax & Spend. Tax & Spend. Tax & Spend some more. But yes, you’re correct.

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When do we all understand that none of these problems created by openly-crooked politicians will never be solved in the courts, or in the voting booth?

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THAT is why Democrats have created an election system that gives themselves ghost votes, hoping to always win all senate races, house races, presidential races, et al.

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Carter was a total Pretender.

No, he didn't teach a Sunday School Class. He dropped in a few times a year to someone else's class as a guest.

No, he doesn't help build houses with Habitat For Humanity. He does photo ops. The most recent one has him with a saw. His nails and clothes were immaculate, and there is no sawdust anywhere. It may have been taken in his living room.

He didn't serve alcohol in the White House, but according to USSS, ALL of the Carters were heavy drinkers.

Typical Democrat. Lies and more lies.

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And he pretended to be carrying his own suit bag and suitcase when the cameras were around. No cameras, Secret Service carried them. A man who drove him around for three years said Carter never once said good morning. Driver was not allowed to talk to Carter. Typical phoney Democrat.

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That is typical of Democrat leadership. They booed God at their convention in 2012; they refuse to adhere to traditoinoal moral standards. And they consider ANY lie is fair game if it works.

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Democrats have great PR.

They hate kids - want to abort them to their first birthday, confine them to crap schools under idiot unionized teachers who use all their dues to support D campaigns,

They hate women & girls, from destroying the sports dreams of girls who have sacrificed their lives since about 4 yrs old to compete and now get trounced, and their dreams and hard work destroyed by mediocre (at best) make athletes who think it’s ok to compete against women, and they are erasing women as fast as they can.

They hate blacks - the worst teachers, the worst schools, the worst violence in the D metros, open borders lowering the wages of black workers. Social Security: blacks enter the workforce sooner and die younger, working their entire lives to pay SS benefits to white middle class retirees cuz they did before they collect much, if anything … yet who rails against privatization? Ds. And what’s the biggest reason for inter generational poverty and lack of wealth creation in black communities? The lack of heritable wealth: gov SS.

Yet who keeps Ds in power to continue their destruction of women & blacks?

Women & blacks.

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Disgusting! Have you ever sat down with a Liberal and tried to understand why they vote for this or that Democrat who has done so much damage? I would like to understand their reasoning, but it doesn't take long before they spout "you're a racist!" and/or answer every question with come accusation against Trump.

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