The continuation of America speaking our voices. We do not fight with violence, but we vote in strong Conservative leaders who can MAGA. We Americans are hunting the enemy and winning Conservative races, aligning the states to usher our successful President Trump back into the Whitehouse. Our country is a mess, retirements are depleting, and families are scrapping to get groceries, gas, and afford medical coverage. America should be all about the people and our well being. Former President Trump is a praying man and listens to God’s voice as a member of his advisory team.

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The Ruling Elite is INTENTIONALLY impoverishing Americans. At the same time, they are taking control of more & more food production. Hungry people are easier to control. It is a tried & true method of destroying human rights, used when dictators take over.

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CONTROL! Is their game and they will fight for it at any expense. Like hungry Lions feeding on a freshly downed Antelope.

This is just another step toward destroying a country that all nations once respected and feared, now we are hanging on for dear life. We are like sitting ducks. Have you

noticed the vast number of food recalls lately?

I previously stated we were vulnerable for a takeover, and now we are currently in the noose with the rope tightening.

Let us pray for peace

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I don't think Al Franken has ever been a "GOP Member" of anything. Unless I've really missed something, he is, and always has been, a liberal Democrat.

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Cecil: I stand corrected! Ha! I don't know what I was thinking! Thank you for reading my article to the very end!!! Diane

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If Liz Cheney had any class left, and wanted to continue to represent the people of Wyoming, she would immediately resign from the J6 Circus.

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Skip: It is ALL about HER political career. She doesn't give a rat's ass about the American people. Diane

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