2,562,937 Americans Moved Toward Freedom In Just Two Years
According to US Census data, America is voluntarily separating itself into two discrete camps. One camp is increasingly supporting Marxist ideology and the other is trying desperately to maintain Americans’ freedoms & way of life. More than 65% of Trump-voting counties gained population, while 61% of the counties that voted for Biden in 2020* lost population,
Issues & Insights did a deep dive into US Census data and discovered that 2.6 Million Americans moved out of “Biden Counties” into “Trump Counties” between mid-2020 and mid-2022 (just two years). They matched census net migration data for all the nation’s 3,100-plus counties (or their equivalents) and compared it with how these counties voted in the 2020 presidential election.*
What they found was exciting and hopeful: In just these two years there has been a vast migration out of counties that voted for Joe Biden into counties that voted to reelect Donald Trump: 2.6 Million. Granted, not every voter in a “Trump County” voted for Trump, but the majority of his/her neighbors did. Thus, we do not know if the Americans who moved voted for Biden or Trump.**
Census data show a net internal migration of almost 2.6 million (2,562,937 to be exact) from “Biden to Trump Counties” since the 2020 rigged election. These figures do not count immigrants nor births and deaths, just Americans moving from one location to another. Thus, Biden’s 7+ Million guests were not counted.
Of the 2,589 counties that Trump won, 1,675 (or 65%) gained population. Of the 555 counties Biden “won,” 335 (or 61%) lost population due to migration from one county to another, some within the same state, mostly to another state.
The biggest “Trump County” population winners were Collin County, Texas, north of Dallas, up 69,301, and Lee County, Florida, which is on the Gulf side (western side) of the state and includes Fort Myers, up 62,246.
The two Biden-voting counties which lost the most from net migration were Los Angeles County, which was down 363,760, and Cook County, Illinois, down 200,718.
In 13 states, each of which had a net loss of population, “Trump Counties” nevertheless showed gains. In California, for example, which saw a massive net outflow of 871,127 people in just the past two years, counties that backed Trump had a net gain of 8,412 residents. New Jersey suffered a loss of 107,749 over the past two years, but counties in the Garden State that voted for Trump gained 22,507 residents. Michigan lost 43,188 overall, but its “Trump Counties” had a net gain of 28,091 residents. The same is true for Oregon and Washington. They lost population statewide, but gained in most “Trump Counties.”
On the other hand, “Biden Counties” lost population in states that saw overall gains. For example, Florida had a net gain of 622,476 residents over the past two years. But Florida counties that backed Biden nevertheless lost 3,374. Georgia had a large gain of 128,089, but “Biden Counties” still had a net loss of 28,178. Tennessee saw an increase of 146,403 residents, but counties that voted for Biden saw a decline of 37,306.
People escaping “Biden Counties” accounted for almost all population losses in New York & Illinois. In New York, “Biden Counties” accounted for 96% of the state’s 664,921 outflow. In Illinois, 91% of the state’s 282,048 net population loss came from counties that voted for Biden.
In growth states, most of those moving in settled in “Trump Counties.” In Texas, for example, the state’s more conservative counties accounted for 91% of its net population influx.
It will be interesting to see how this population shift affects the 2024 Presidential, Senate and House elections, and how long this trend will continue.