Of course, he can lower taxes --- after he gets rid of tens of thousands of useless federal workers, shuts down pointless agencies, takes hundreds of thousands of able-bodied scamming people off Welfare and Disability and food stamps, quits paying rent on empty Democrat-owned buildings in DC, and sends illegals home. He can also lower the National Debt, which ballooned from $165 BILLION to $35.5 TRILLION under Biden. No other Pesident has ever even wanted to do this. It took a Patriot Businessman. NOT a Politician.

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Wilson - without a doubt - our worst prez. And you didn’t even note his campaigning on staying out of WW1, then promptly entering it. Rather than just ending as yet another Franco-Prussian war with a negotiated settlement, Germany was told it “lost,” and they must accept defeat they never experienced in the battlefield. They went to Versailles to accept the “14 Points” and came away with hyperinflation, disarmament, territory loss, etc. Had America not intervened, it’s doubtful Russia would have experienced the 1917 revolutions, the USSR likely never would have existed, the PRC likely would not have followed, the Korean and Vietnam wars probably wouldn’t have been waged… all from Wilson’s entry into a war none of our business.

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