LOVED your headline! I couldn't be bothered to watch the TRAIN WRECK--went to Costco instead. Looks like I missed nothing. Thank you for the synopsis!

I saw a harris sign a couple blocks away--one of the million+ homes in my hood and I wondered if that homeowner knows that harris wants to TAX THEM for UNREALIZED GAINS on that home...? I bet not. I am confident that the election fraud in 2024 will not only be caught, but MANY will be prosecuted and spend the remainder of their MISERABLE, TRAITOROUS lives in the Fed Pen OR head to GITMO--rightfully so.

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Like I said before she won't talk about her plan or policies because we're living through this nightmare right now she's not changing anything that is her plan and policies they're in place right now.

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I love your article Diane, I noticed too that these fake moderators did not fact check Comrade Kamala at all, but would fact check Trump constantly. I think Trump did a good job at contrasting the differences between his policies against hers.

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She wore special earrings which are earbuds so her handlers could tell her what to do.

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I can definitely believe that. She is a joke lol.

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Harris came off as a whiny juvenile school girl, who came off as pleading, instead of having the commanding conviction and oresence of someone aiming to become the next leader of the free world. She gaslighted and lied throughout many moments of the debate, and the only truthful thing she managed to say was that she was NOT Donald Trump.

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She didn't want to LIE to the American people about her REAL policies...instead she STOLE the policies from Trump and FAKE biden...NO ONE except maybe Alexander (above) wants MARXIST/COMMIE policies in this once great country; that WILL be GREAT, AGAIN, AGAIN--despite the haters and demonics that are either BRAINWASHED or BEYOND HELP. Only God knows for sure which it is. I am constantly surprised how people cannot seem to see through the hysteria as to what is in front of our faces. Me, I will STAY PRAYED UP. Things are going to hit the fan beyond anything seen before in history and I am going to enjoy watching evil implode while good reigns supreme with the Father!

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She wore special earrings which are earbuds so her handlers could tell her what to do.

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Every newspaper tomorrow will be telling every independent voter that Harris won, hands down. Democrats will start booking hotels in DC for the inauguration.

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“They’re eating the dogs!” That’s your guy?? 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

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She wore special earrings which are earbuds so her handlers could tell her what to do.

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When you’re blaming the refs and accusing your opponent of cheating, it’s a pretty good sign that you lost.

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how is it 'blaming the refs', when it was clear they showed a heavy bias toward Harris, in a debate forum that's supposed to be impartial? also, the 'earrings', are technically CHEATING. how was this a fair debate?

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Cope lol

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it's not cope, it's a fact. troll better.

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It’s whining, bro. Trump lost because he couldn’t control himself.

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Truth always gets you.

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He couldn’t control his emotions and got his ass kicked. He missed many opportunities to hammer her because he couldn’t refrain from defending himself when he ought to have been using policy to attack her.

Now we’ll hear him demanding another debate. And she will refuse, knowing his asking cuz he got his ass kicked.

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I HIGHLY DOUBT he got his butt kicked as you say! I hope you own a VERY expensive home so that you can pay enormous monies for UNREALIZED gains that have NOT been made...and other COMMUNISTIC things to endure. Me, I will NOT COMPLY!

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She wore special earrings which are earbuds so her handlers could tell her what to do.

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I’m all-in for Trump. What I noted above is accurate. If he can’t control his emotions and get in policy, we’re screwed.

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She wore special earrings which are earbuds so her handlers could tell her what to do.

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Ya right. The moderators kept asking Trump questions about the past. Why wouldn’t he defend himself when he had fabulous policies that made the economy strong? When you have great policies you remind people of how it worked for them. Harris looked like she laid a large egg. Her long face, pursed lips and chicken neck was really distracting. She has not aged well in the last 3 1/2 years.

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She wore special earrings which are earbuds so her handlers could tell her what to do.

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Why not? Because he was there to defeat her, not defend himself. So what about the moderators? Completely expected and he should be expected to deal with it. And every D & I in the nation won’t care & doesn’t believe the moderators were completely in the tank any more than they accept that 2020 was stolen.

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She wore special earrings which are earbuds so her handlers could tell her what to do.

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🤣That’s right! You could see Trump was reading the moderators carefully and was patient with their stupid and redundant questions. He was a gentleman on all accounts. You haven’t yet stated where exactly it was that Trump got his ass kicked by the long-faced, pouting Kamala?

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She wore special earrings which are earbuds so her handlers could tell her what to do.

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You’re thinking these debates are about policy and changing D votes to R. This has nothing to do with these debates. These are about moving those inexplicably undecided or looking for a reason to support one or the other. They are about emotion. You are responding with policy, logic, rationale. Those are irrelevant. Anyone who wants to decide on policy already knows policy and has defused. Is the constitution on Trump’s side on abortion? Of course; it’s a simple 10A issue. But he allowed it to become 20 minutes of female emotion. He lost that. Because he responded defensively and emotionally. Same thing with Obamacare. He could have stayed unemotional, used the constitution and let independents know he was for the rule of law and she is against it - and moved on. He didn’t understand the emotional impact, lost the opportunity to calmly refute her coldly. And so he lost the debate. .

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She wore special earrings which are earbuds so her handlers could tell her what to do.

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So Kamala can respond with “emotion” but Trump can’t answer with emotion?!

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Yup. She’s a woman working to ensure she appears to independent women who will swing this election. She can be as emotional as she wants. Trump cannot be emotional - men dislike it and women loathe a man being emotional against a woman.

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So Harris couldn’t answer the question are you better off now or were you better off under Trump. Mark Penn Clinton’s pollster alleges a whistleblower has come forwarded saying the debate moderators by ABC was rigged that the Harris campaign was given the debate questions and promised only Trump would be fact check. The only one asking for another debate is Harris because independents after the debate are surging to Trump. So if Trump lost the debate He winning the war.

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Policies matter. Both have personal flaws. Do you want me to enumerate Ms. Harris’s? How much time do you have?

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The only thing Harris is not burdened by is the Truth.

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Diane, poor Princess Kamala has had such a huge burden carrying both the responsibilities of president and vice president that she could use a little help from magic earrings. 🤡

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Your guy lost because he’s a pathetic loser who keeps losing. Time to move on, cultists.

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She wore special earrings which are earbuds so her handlers could tell her what to do.

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No - she didn’t. If you’re so gullible you believe this I feel sorry for you.

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She was wearing Tiffany Co earrings. This bullshit has been completely debunked.

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Oh, you’re in to facts, are you, Jim? Isn’t your mob all about alternative facts? You know, the type of ‘facts’ that are considered fallacies by normal human beings?

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It’s been confirmed on video of Kamala.

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Facts are nasty things.

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You’re going to enjoy the gulag

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Sure chief.

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We got 30 minutes into it before my wife had to remind me there’s no need to yell, “Honey, she can’t hear you and you’re spooking the dogs.”

Her evil, empty black eyes, fit with her wicked lies. I have no tolerance for Sociopaths, and she’s one of there ever was one. She might be the worst I’ve seen.

I’m sure it just got worse after we turned off the TV.

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She wore special earrings which are earbuds so her handlers could tell her what to do.

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