So Gay still is “teaching” a class at “Haaavaad” and is remunerated $900,000 for her skills. ‘Twould be appropriate if no one signed up for her class.

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American public/private education has been captured as has the entire govt structure that runs it. Like father like son. Restore it? Hardly. The present immigrant invasion and subsequent war on our soil will push education far down on the scale of “something’s got to be done or else”. In fact it will close down education and the economy until the dust settles after much blood. I don’t think anyone pontificating on these pages can anticipate the utter disaster awaiting what will be left of the remaining population. Arm up.

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I am increasingly disgusted with the stupidity of my fellow citizens.

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Watched a video of a young man asking college students what country Hawaii is in, how many weeks there are in a year, how many hours in a day, the time on an analog clock indicating it was 2 o’clock, which countries border the U.S., if today is Monday, what day would it be two weeks from today? Our students were dumbfounded, unable to answer a single one of these questions. And no one knew who was buried in Grant’s Tomb. We are in very deep doodoo.

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John: Yes, it first dawned on me that public schools and "higher" ed were failing Americans when I was in law school. As I was graduating in May 1986 I learned that, starting with that fall's incoming class, EVERY student would be required to take Remedial English Composition. The was due to the fact that increasing numbers of students each year were failing the mandatory Legal Writing course because they did not know the simple basics of sentence structure. And, while I was practicing (1986-2020) I noticed that my younger clients were getting dumber & dumber. For example, those who were age 20 in 1990 could fill out my intake forms. In 2000 some were struggling to do so. By 2010, I was filling out much of the form FOR THEM. Clients born before 1960 never had any trouble. Both sad and disgusting. Diane

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I guess the only upside is making it easier for Americans to identify targets.

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Funny how some smart Russians can see the biggest flaw in freedom…how to control it.

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Yep! And now they are outlawing voting for Trump.

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