Iran needs to disappear.

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Don’t give Biden a pass. He’s just as culpable as his Obama White Staff that he rehired and appointed, many of whom he knows are blatant pro-Iranian zealots. Then there’s Biden’s Israeli Ambassador Jack Lew. Although he’s a Jew, he’s not necessarily a friend of Israel — nor its PM, Bibi Netanyahu. https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/10/13/6-things-you-need-to-know-about-jack-lew-bidens-choice-as-ambassador-to-israel/

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The incompetence and stupidity of Biden and his inept administration is staggering.

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Biden has dementia. Obama's holdovers don't. I truly believe that most of this is intentional. They WANT the Middle East to be on fire again, humanity be damned.

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Biden pledges US support for Israel, then he pledges $100 million in 'humanitarian aid" for Gaza. The dichotomy is breathtaking.

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Disgusting!!!!!!! Even oatmeal brain knows that the terrorists will get most of OUR tax money.

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