This is a frightening, but insightful article, that won't surprise many of your regular readers, but it sure saddens me. Individually, I don't know how to stop the onslaught of the Marxists, other than to keep praying while I understand that God is in control. I've decided to start writing letters to the editor of my local newspaper, and send my letters to other publications, hoping that some will publish my letters. One of the greatest disservices newspapers chose to implement online is the removal of a readers' comment section. They took away our dissonant voices while amplifying their far-Left propaganda.

I have never had to witness a true puppet in the White House before, and I am so sad and repulsed by the corruption that put him there. I believe there's a dossier on everyone in Congress restricting even the most outspoken and (seemingly} honest politicians from revealing too much to the public.

That the modern world has been controlled by wealthy industrialists, politicians, scientists, professors, military, and media giants since at least 1954, seems criminal to me. In my opinion all the global conferences and summits--particularly the secret ones--aren't really "for the greater good"; no powerful country should want to attend them. Sovereign countries will all put themselves under the iron fist of the wealthiest individuals in the world, as the WEF, the WHO and the UN have already told us to our faces.

I will be sharing this article with a great number of friends and family. I will tell them they would be wise to subscribe to your up-to-date observations.

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Donna: Thank you for your kind remarks. I, too, feel it is too late to save us from serfdom. So many Americans are absolutely clueless that the Bill of Rights is being destroyed before our very eyes. Others actually WANT Marxism to take over because they are so stupid they actually think their lives will improve. HA-HA-HA-HA! I first wrote this article a year ago, then revised & republished it in April. The massive damage done in barely 2.5 years is mindboggling! Diane

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