Hello Diane,

Hope your holiday is restful.

We have young grands, and our daughter just began homeschooling her two children because we have watched the quality of education decline sorely, over the past few years.

Votes, it is usually about votes when quality of anything or anyone declines. In the current situation, we see votes plus control. The corrupt leadership is control, power happy and will not stop until we are all under their command, or rather demand. Marxism at its worst.

Pray for red in Nov.

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Joni: The most immediate way to protect little kids from the Marxists is to take over school boards. I understand that SEVEN school boards in LARGE school districts changed hands recently in Florida, kicking out Leftist members and replacing them with Normal Americans. A group of us on the Long Beach Peninsula, WA hope to do the same November 2023. Diane

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Florida just allowed any veteran to be able to teach. Married to a vet you can teach. Dsantis just allowed physical punishment. Plus more rules. Math books not necessary. In WA state our schools are not in need of overhaul. There is separation of church and state. Working in a school where Christians have taken over leaves kids who are not of that religion or People of color do not fit in many Christians are racists for some reason. I see it and spent my 19 years in public schools making kids hurt by actions from God made to feel better. Best to find a melting of out pot. USA is a diverse country and all of its people need to be felt like they matter.

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Elle: Coincidently, just minutes ago I published an article about how federal government cheats kids & parents. Thought you might like it. Diane


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Elle: I went to law school with Oregon's government, Kate Brown. She is a racist and a Marxist, always has been. One thing she has done in just the last year or so is to REMOVE test scores. Any child who has hung around school buildings for 12 years can graduate REGARDLESS their skill level. PLEASE check out the links in my article. They explain what she and Inslee have done to dummying down the NEXT generation in WA & OR. Democrat policies have already decreased adult literacy from high 90s% to the high 70s% JUST OVER THE COURSE OF TWO GENERATIONS OR SO. Quite an accomplishment, don't you think? Diane

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this is total propaganda. has nothing to do with reality. democrats are the rainbow party. whereas republicans are 97 percent white. I have reported this site as Agitprop pure uneqivocal hate the other guy. and full of so many lies its a horror story. this is basically russian propaganda. which is what this site is all about. trying to anger you in every possible way -- and instill fear. indeed it is attacking our democracy in plain site.

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I find this article to be lies. Working teaching high drop out college youth was my job. Motivation & discipline. In college professors dole it out. Kids do not know how to handle fast pace. They learn. Could not have done that if they were not able to read. Democrats push education. Trump says oh I love my poorly educated. He is a republican. Look at any multicultural programs. Democrats not republicans support those. Look at Red states education ratings as low as they can get. Red states not Democratic blue states.

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Elle: Did you read the whole article including all links to data that backs up my points? What points do you call "lies?" Democrats PROMOTE teachers' unions NOT improving the quality of education. Indeed, Jimmy Carter created the Dept. of Education to PAY BACK the teachers' unions for campaign donations and for pressuring members to vote for him. THAT is historical fact. You can look it up. Republicans are not perfect by far, BUT, at least they don't promote child abuse like politicians and bureaucrats in Washington & Oregon do: https://dianelgruber.substack.com/p/child-abuse-is-rampant-in-public

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Oh my. You had your Marxist mitts in our kids for 19 years, spewing that Marxist, Clintonist, ignorant drivel? Those poor, poor students. How unfair to have such a biased teacher. What’s that you Libs always profess “check your bias”? Teaching spongy and eager minds…atrocious. You have nothing but talking points, and some kind of wanna-be morally superior character assassinations, and speak in circles about things you obviously know nothing about, and all to avoid Diane’s very polite request for the facts you have to refute her argument and solidify your own. We look forward to that. It’s called debate. But that’s not allowed in school, or haven’t you been paying attention?

As a “teacher” you should be ashamed of yourself. You obviously do not have a curious mind, are extremely programmable, and having been a graduate level student, one can only imagine your classroom. Critical Thinking? Not in this class!! 19 years…yikes!!

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Steve: WELL SAID!!!! I was hoping Elle would answer my Replies. I like discussing issues with Liberals; but, have few chances. After Libs spew out a few talking points, they all stomp away frustrated & mad because they haven't learned how to think for themselves. Sad. Diane

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The meme Debating libs is like playing checkers with a pidgeon seems to apply here

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