Tulsey not Tilden

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Traveling world wide almost all posts that favor right are censored ie Tilden and Vivek while the grinning idiot has her picture everywhere, she doesn’t say much though

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Can’t count how long George Soros and his family of leftist NGO groups have been financing the Democrats’ leftist ideology. It's been decades. Soros’ Social Justice and Climate Justice warriors support the radical left’s divisive goals to cripple American exceptionalism and individuality with their influx of low IQ illegal aliens and criminals. Those Alex Soros visits to the Biden-Harris White House weren’t just to sip tea. The 20 million illegal aliens displacing American citizens across our nation are here to change the face of America for the worse while Soros and his other billionaire buddies live behind high-walled, gated communities or luxurious penthouses high above the seething, poverty stricken madding crowd.

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The Soros family is behind, all of these Marxist ideas and policies that are trying to destroy the fabric of our country. Great job exposing it with this article, Diane.

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Soros IS an enemy of the State, and should be dealt with as such.

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Alex Soros is the heir and scion to the devil. A Jew who betrayed other Jews in WWII. He now has a relationship with Huma, the child of a terrorist and the wife of a pervert. Revelation 13:1-10 come to life!

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