The Soros family is behind, all of these Marxist ideas and policies that are trying to destroy the fabric of our country. Great job exposing it with this article, Diane.
Alex Soros is the heir and scion to the devil. A Jew who betrayed other Jews in WWII. He now has a relationship with Huma, the child of a terrorist and the wife of a pervert. Revelation 13:1-10 come to life!
Traveling world wide almost all posts that favor right are censored ie Tilden and Vivek while the grinning idiot has her picture everywhere, she doesn’t say much though
Can’t count how long George Soros and his family of leftist NGO groups have been financing the Democrats’ leftist ideology. It's been decades. Soros’ Social Justice and Climate Justice warriors support the radical left’s divisive goals to cripple American exceptionalism and individuality with their influx of low IQ illegal aliens and criminals. Those Alex Soros visits to the Biden-Harris White House weren’t just to sip tea. The 20 million illegal aliens displacing American citizens across our nation are here to change the face of America for the worse while Soros and his other billionaire buddies live behind high-walled, gated communities or luxurious penthouses high above the seething, poverty stricken madding crowd.
John: My neighbors on the Long Beach Peninsula are SO afraid that Inslee will bus hundreds/thousands of illegals into our 12,000 population community to live in the many tourist motels. That, of course, will ruin our tourist industry. As of May, he has imported about 350K. Diane
With a father who is a Jew who turned in other Jews to the Nazis, young Soros has some big, bloody shoes to fill. It will be a great help to his cause to have Huma Abedin by his side. She comes from a terrorists, and her service with Hillary just made her more disassociated with reality. Weiner got the best part of that divorce, and he's a real piece of work...
With a father who is a Jew who turned in other Jews to the Nazis, young Soros has some big, bloody shoes to fill. It will be a great help to his cause to have Huma Abedin by his side. She comes from a terrorists, and her service with Hillary just made her more disassociated with reality. Weiner got the best part of that divorce, and he's a real piece of work...
My hope for the push back against the illegal invasion and all things leftist government, lies with the minorities. When they show up en masse and demand answers, the regime apparatchiks are left flat footed and revert to media talking points - which make clear the peasants are irrelevant. I'm waiting for the day that inner city blacks, hispanics and asians berate the likes of baby soros and ask, "why aren't you moving these gang members and rapists illegals into you're building or neighborhood - why are you dumping them in ours?? Do you think your better than we are??"
This is the rise of the globalist oligarchs, via their servant plutocrats, where their efforts at infiltrating the many leftist radical grassroots groups has reached critical mass - globally. These useful idiots in the streets, academia and local governments are funded well to push the narratives/ideologies /agendas for their masters in Davos and other hidden, legacy control structures. By contrast, any populist movements or agendas around the world are being painted as "terrorist", "nazi", "tyranical" or "fascist". The commoners are the enemy of those, we ignorantly and stupidly ignored and let rise quietly, to the juggernaut they are today.
This is our doing.
We willfully took our hands off the political and governmental wheels of control, in exchange for the privilege of wallowing in the cesspools of regime curated Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment that were dangled in front of us.
Trump is a unique character and a man for his time/task, but he's only one man with a finite window of opportunity for change. It's not his responsibility to turn this all back around and in truth there is no way he can. It will take decades of intentional hard work, fighting the deep state operatives that have been installed around the world, over many years. That work is our responsibility to shoulder, as citizens of our respective countries. It always has been, no matter how fast and far we ran from it.
Trump is only the battering ram, the break wall, the calm before the storm and it is the acme of foolish stupidity to expect or see him otherwise.
If kackles and tampon tim are installed it will signal two things.
1) The brainwashed, indoctrinated masses have reached critical mass and either through legit votes, fake votes, illegal votes or manipulation of machines they have over powered not only the system, but the remainder of the voting public, who now understand what another turbo charged 4 years of the current regime would do to the country.
2) The willful apathy, ignorance, self indulged, distracted and lazy citizens are to blame for the rise of the leftist masses described above - through their refusal to shoulder the responsibility of being engaged and involved citizens, who diligently keep their governmental houses cleaned.
Ignoring local governments has directly led to what we see in D.C. today - in all it's corrupt, lying and oppressive bureaucracies and fiefdoms.
Citizens It's either wake up, get involved and stay engaged to regain their liberties and freedom, or continue to wallow in the regime created Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment and perish.
WOW! Dan, nice to hear from you! You put your finger on it! May I use this "essay" for a future article, giving you full credit, of course? I am both scared and exhausted. What will become of America, you & I, and all Americans if we are forced to suffer through four or eight years of Marxist Harris and Maoist Walz? The mere thought sickens me.
Hi Diane, not sure who Dan is, but if that reply was for me, then yes, feel free to use the comment above as you like.
If you meant that request for someone else, I of course am not giving you permission to use their material.
And you are correct to be very worried. We all should be, but I think many are still wallowing in the "safe" Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment of being distracted - many time intentionally.
The Soros family is behind, all of these Marxist ideas and policies that are trying to destroy the fabric of our country. Great job exposing it with this article, Diane.
Soros IS an enemy of the State, and should be dealt with as such.
Alex Soros is the heir and scion to the devil. A Jew who betrayed other Jews in WWII. He now has a relationship with Huma, the child of a terrorist and the wife of a pervert. Revelation 13:1-10 come to life!
Traveling world wide almost all posts that favor right are censored ie Tilden and Vivek while the grinning idiot has her picture everywhere, she doesn’t say much though
Can you prove Harris is smart enough to be a puppet?you have to pull a string to make a dummy’s mouth open not true with Harris!
Can’t count how long George Soros and his family of leftist NGO groups have been financing the Democrats’ leftist ideology. It's been decades. Soros’ Social Justice and Climate Justice warriors support the radical left’s divisive goals to cripple American exceptionalism and individuality with their influx of low IQ illegal aliens and criminals. Those Alex Soros visits to the Biden-Harris White House weren’t just to sip tea. The 20 million illegal aliens displacing American citizens across our nation are here to change the face of America for the worse while Soros and his other billionaire buddies live behind high-walled, gated communities or luxurious penthouses high above the seething, poverty stricken madding crowd.
John: My neighbors on the Long Beach Peninsula are SO afraid that Inslee will bus hundreds/thousands of illegals into our 12,000 population community to live in the many tourist motels. That, of course, will ruin our tourist industry. As of May, he has imported about 350K. Diane
I still can’t get my head around what Democrats are intentionally doing to destroy our country. It’s insane.
Tulsey not Tilden
With a father who is a Jew who turned in other Jews to the Nazis, young Soros has some big, bloody shoes to fill. It will be a great help to his cause to have Huma Abedin by his side. She comes from a terrorists, and her service with Hillary just made her more disassociated with reality. Weiner got the best part of that divorce, and he's a real piece of work...
With a father who is a Jew who turned in other Jews to the Nazis, young Soros has some big, bloody shoes to fill. It will be a great help to his cause to have Huma Abedin by his side. She comes from a terrorists, and her service with Hillary just made her more disassociated with reality. Weiner got the best part of that divorce, and he's a real piece of work...
Great Post Diane!
My hope for the push back against the illegal invasion and all things leftist government, lies with the minorities. When they show up en masse and demand answers, the regime apparatchiks are left flat footed and revert to media talking points - which make clear the peasants are irrelevant. I'm waiting for the day that inner city blacks, hispanics and asians berate the likes of baby soros and ask, "why aren't you moving these gang members and rapists illegals into you're building or neighborhood - why are you dumping them in ours?? Do you think your better than we are??"
This is the rise of the globalist oligarchs, via their servant plutocrats, where their efforts at infiltrating the many leftist radical grassroots groups has reached critical mass - globally. These useful idiots in the streets, academia and local governments are funded well to push the narratives/ideologies /agendas for their masters in Davos and other hidden, legacy control structures. By contrast, any populist movements or agendas around the world are being painted as "terrorist", "nazi", "tyranical" or "fascist". The commoners are the enemy of those, we ignorantly and stupidly ignored and let rise quietly, to the juggernaut they are today.
This is our doing.
We willfully took our hands off the political and governmental wheels of control, in exchange for the privilege of wallowing in the cesspools of regime curated Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment that were dangled in front of us.
Trump is a unique character and a man for his time/task, but he's only one man with a finite window of opportunity for change. It's not his responsibility to turn this all back around and in truth there is no way he can. It will take decades of intentional hard work, fighting the deep state operatives that have been installed around the world, over many years. That work is our responsibility to shoulder, as citizens of our respective countries. It always has been, no matter how fast and far we ran from it.
Trump is only the battering ram, the break wall, the calm before the storm and it is the acme of foolish stupidity to expect or see him otherwise.
If kackles and tampon tim are installed it will signal two things.
1) The brainwashed, indoctrinated masses have reached critical mass and either through legit votes, fake votes, illegal votes or manipulation of machines they have over powered not only the system, but the remainder of the voting public, who now understand what another turbo charged 4 years of the current regime would do to the country.
2) The willful apathy, ignorance, self indulged, distracted and lazy citizens are to blame for the rise of the leftist masses described above - through their refusal to shoulder the responsibility of being engaged and involved citizens, who diligently keep their governmental houses cleaned.
Ignoring local governments has directly led to what we see in D.C. today - in all it's corrupt, lying and oppressive bureaucracies and fiefdoms.
Citizens It's either wake up, get involved and stay engaged to regain their liberties and freedom, or continue to wallow in the regime created Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment and perish.
You can't have it both ways.
WOW! Dan, nice to hear from you! You put your finger on it! May I use this "essay" for a future article, giving you full credit, of course? I am both scared and exhausted. What will become of America, you & I, and all Americans if we are forced to suffer through four or eight years of Marxist Harris and Maoist Walz? The mere thought sickens me.
Hi Diane, not sure who Dan is, but if that reply was for me, then yes, feel free to use the comment above as you like.
If you meant that request for someone else, I of course am not giving you permission to use their material.
And you are correct to be very worried. We all should be, but I think many are still wallowing in the "safe" Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment of being distracted - many time intentionally.