Jun 12Liked by Diane L. Gruber

If Dementia Joe thinks it takes F-15's to kick the US government's ass, he needs to go talk to some peasants in Viet Nam. Our government lost that war to third world peasants with bamboo stakes dipped in cow dung and a lot of tunnels. Not that the Democrat administration actually tried to win it.

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Only one of those guns were included in the law suit. Tricky aren’t they? Always a big bag of tricks with anyone who identifies as a Democrat. They led with this particular case so they can ignore the tax evasion/fraud case. I’m am so sick of watching the mentally ill people cause chaos with everyone’s lives. It’s exhausting just watching them.

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The gun trial was a performance for us to watch, instead of the tax case which exposes Joe's treason and grifting.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but this the same Joe Biden who stood on his hind legs 3 or 4 years ago and told Americans that if they hear a noise outside their house, they should fire a SHOTGUN out the back door, presumably without aiming or considering possible collateral damage! Yeah, that Joe Biden.

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Yep! Thanks for reminding me!! He has NO principles. He is a political hack, nothing more.

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When he opened our borders to 15M, mostly military aged males, released from their nations prisons, and included in this 15M as est.by a Congressman who knows, there are regiments of CCP military aged men and thousands of Islamic terrorists and Biden wants your guns..Well, not really Biden .this guy .

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And voter registration forms now come in TWENTY LANGUAGES, including Chinese.

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I hope I'm wrong, but is that a photo of Hunter's bare ass with his gun? This guy acts like a 5-year-old.

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I wonder how many sexual diseases he has.

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5-yr-olds have more self-respect.

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Any congressperson submitting gun control legislation is in violation of their oath of office and so has made him/herself ineligible for that office. Any self-respecting Congress immediately would expel them. As for DementiaJoe, same-same. Advocating gun control is a violation of his oath and would, in a mature society, result in his immediate impeachment, conviction and removal from office.

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Excellent point!

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