Love the first line.

That could be the response to a million questions this election.

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The Democrat Party is a mirage, a chimera. It veils its ugly reality of communist ideology driven in part by a matriarchy of powerful leftists who consider themselves elitist leaders who know what's best. Since the 1960's sexual revolution, who would argue that America's traditional social and cultural traditions have not declined. Today's liberalized attitudes toward sex, morality and politics have morphed dramatically as women have gained significant leadership roles. Is it for the best? Look at the social disasters that have befallen America. There are unprecedented rates of political corruption, homelessness, crime waves, drug abuse, sexual abuse, human trafficking, racism and gender dysphoria sufferers involved in mass shootings. Kamala Harris, the Democrats' presidential candidate, is a leftist chameleon, an enigma wrapped up in a mystery. She's rejecting her former steadfast leftist policies but refuses to publicly explain why. Reluctantly, she’s agreed to just a single debate. Should women be allowed to vote? That's a question women must answer. Misogynists will remain silent, if not salient.

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Well said! Boys & young men being so violent, compared to when you & I were young, is DIRECTLY related to fatherlessness, which is DIRECTLY related to LBJ's Great Society which transfers $$$$ from hard working parents to irresponsible welfare mothers.

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Democrats repackage debauchery and death as joy: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/democrats-repackage-debauchery-and

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There’s nothing crazy about the Democrats’ agenda: Every Democrat policy is designed to build the party’s voting coalition: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/theres-nothing-crazy-about-the-democrats

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The Democrats’ Social-Justice Hoax: Slap “justice” on just about anything, and Democrat voters will go for it: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/the-democrats-social-justice-hoax

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While Everyone Else Is Kicking Themselves For Voting For Biden, College-Educated Women Are Doubling Down: https://thefederalist.com/2022/04/12/while-everyone-else-is-kicking-themselves-for-voting-for-biden-college-educated-women-are-doubling-down/

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I enjoyed your interview Diane, you were absolutely spot on concerning Kamala Harris in this interview. She is controlled by the democratic elite and a marxist. It is a shame and disgusting what you had to go through by just speaking the truth and standing on your beliefs. Liberals hate when a person views doesn't align with theirs.

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Thank you for listening to that podcast. I sure enjoy being on George Caylor's weekly podcasts.

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Kamila promises to bring great joy to America, what happens after great joy HUGE PAYMENTS!

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Democrats repackage debauchery and death as joy: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/democrats-repackage-debauchery-and

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Joy?????? Another illusion created by Democrats to promote their Marxist candidate.

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