There isn’t a liberal alive who will believe one word of your perfectly organized description of how liberals affect their environment. C&A gene is one reality but the other one-two punch is blatant stupidity and severe ignorance.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Liberals have lost the ability to use logic and reason. EVERYTHING they do is driven by emotions....which are devoid of rationality and logic.

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I live in a close suburb of Minneapolis and I’m on NextDoor, where I can see the postings of the residents of some nearby Minneapolis neighborhoods. Since late 2020 my NextDoor feed is increasingly filled with victims lamenting the crimes that were perpetrated against them. Whether complaining about missing catalytic converters or stolen cars or having been carjacked or robbed at gunpoint, the postings are similar: the person complains of the state of our society, then expresses wonderment that such a thing could happen, and finally expresses great frustration.

Then come the comments, which consist (in order of descending popularity) of:

• expressions of sympathy for the victim,

• statements about how to be more careful to avoid criminals and crimes,

• statements rationalizing the behaviors of criminals (and sympathizing with them),

• folks saying, “what is our society coming to?”,

• statements about how residents are getting what they voted for,

• and critics reviling those who say that residents are getting what they voted for.

I know these sorts of people because I’ve lived among them and now I live near them. They’re the ones with Black Lives Matter signs still in their yards, folks who empathize ad nauseam with anyone claiming to champion any “social justice” cause, folks who vote Democrat without even knowing who or what is on the ballot. By and large they know little of elections or candidates, but they do know enough to vote for whoever is endorsed by their favorite party. In other words, they’re people who will never get the connection.

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You hit the nail on the head, Diane,

Good article, and much thanks for your efforts. Super writing!

I also believe they are so pro-Lib., these people would bear a beating in order not to step out of the Lib. box; I believe they absolutely do not have a teaspoon of common sense. and most likely, not much research done on those opposed to their way, like President Trump. He steam rolled MAGA into existence during his four years in office, and did not falter or miss an op. to keep moving America forward.

I also surmise they don’t care that our nation has been sorely crippled by their greed and draining desire to have the NWO, WOKE, BLM, few police, and fewer churches, let alone follow our US Constitution. Our bank accounts are now jeopardized, our food supply disappearing daily, threat of war, our electrical grid failing. Vast numbers of illegals swarming through open borders and over crowding Sanctuary Cities. Have you seen the huge list of food recalls from retail business’ and grocery stores? Very disheartening, and let me end with our leadership blowing billions on foreign countries, trying to creat whatever they are attempting?

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This may be my favorite article of yours yet, Diane. There is no shortage of examples proving Liberals and Progressives are incapable of, as I like to put it, "connecting the dots". Might I add another deficiency gene that exists among this group - the inability to discern new information, otherwise known as the "facts don't matter" syndrome. My esteemed colleague, Physicist John Droz, authors an insightful substack on these issues titled Critically Thinking about Societal Issues. Here is his latest article: https://criticallythinking.substack.com/p/critically-thinking-about-a-clash?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email.

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