REPUBLICANS' EFFORTS TO EXPEL ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM THEIR STATES WILL BACKFIRE. Those aliens will end up in Democrat states, assisting in Democrat elections, voting Democrat, and increasing those states’ Democrat congressional representation after the 2030 census; Democrats must be laughing themselves silly watching us behave exactly as they expected: "Republicans Could Be Winning Biden’s Immigration Game": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/republicans-could-be-winning-bidens

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I think they illegals should be forced to live in SANCTUARY states, such as Oregon, California, New York. The voters there voted for America-Last politicians & policies. Let THEM deal with the chaos and burdens the illegals bring with them.

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Well we differ here, since in my article I state that the Republican states should take a page out of the Democrats' book and BE the leading "sanctuary" states. My question for you then is: since Democrats obviously engineered this invasion specifically for the purpose of steering an entirely new and entirely illegal population into their own sanctuary states, and since obviously with our express cooperation they are achieving precisely that, what do you suppose comes next?

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Trump 47 will have a monumental task. They will need to hire tens of thousands to determine who gets deported, hunt them down and remove them. MS13, known terrorists, etc. should be deported immediately, IF you can find them. ALL military-aged men should be next. It will be harder to decide what to do with families. I suspect Trump is too soft hearted to remove children.

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All that will never happen. The global agricultural industrial cabal that brought these people here is far larger than we imagine, and it has fully corrupted our own government, media, and academia. The only question is going to be where the illegals reside and for which party they will be voting. Without the concerted, unified effort of the remaining Republican states that I described, we are toast.

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This is very depressing. So many communities don't have the resources to handle these newcomers. They are stealing educational resources from American kids and destroying local health care.

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I've written two articles now about doing something Republicans never seem to do, which is to join forces across state lines and proactively and collectively take control of the Biden nightmare. I actually emailed links to one such article to all the Republican state legislators of four Republican-trifecta states. I never once received anything but an automated response - not even a "well that's a strange and interesting idea". So yes, if all we're doing is to stand by, scream loudly, ship tiny numbers of aliens into the Democrats' cities (which is exactly where Democrats want them), let our own states and cities fend for themselves, and react with knee-jerk legislation (a la Texas Gov. Abbott), then I guess we'll be spending a lot of time feeling sorry for ourselves.

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American industry doesn't seem to feel it has to hide its involvement in this: Who Is Really Behind Our Illegal Immigration? https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/who-is-really-behind-our-illegal

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Yes, they now have so much power & control over us they feel little need to hide their destructive plans. Great article. I cross-posted it some months ago.

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Another theory I’ve heard is this: Many illegals are coming from horribly corrupt countries. Most of the illegal migrants are hard working people that just want a better life for their families. I realize there are small percentages of horrible criminals coming to our great country as well.

My point is the vast majority can SEE the government corruption & “thought control”, so much sooner than even American born citizens. This is what they are familiar with.

Many from socialist countries that live in the U.S. now have been speaking out for years now. They are warning us of similarities they saw prior to their coming here.

This may backfire on the replacement premise because leaving a corrupt country, to come to another, was not the goal. These people coming to make a better life, aren’t stupid. They normally ( already) don’t trust the government! That’s a lot different than 50% of our American born citizens. I’m over 50 yrs old & I just figured out the corruption & lies in the last decade. It’s embarrassing how much I thought our government agencies looked out for us.

It may not be doom & gloom. I’m an optimist, I know, but these migrants are conservative at heart. They love God, and their families, and I don’t think they will comply to obvious abuses and corruption. I hope I’m right. People are people & if we don’t play the “ elite’s game”, by hating the migrants, etc. , then we can change the game up & win after all.

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You and I BOTH, belatedly, learned how corrupt the DC Swamp is. I started to wake up during the Obama Administration. BUT, it was Trump AND Democrats reaction to him, that REALLY lit the flame of recognition. I think there are MANY, MANY of us. THAT is why Trump is SO popular.

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Excellent point!!!! The only problem with this theory is 1) they know they are being allowed in BECAUSE Biden, a Democrat, is inviting them; 2) the tax money they are receiving is coming from DEMOCRATS and 3) to BOTH stay here and keep the $$$ flowing they must vote Democrat. The illegal voices you are referring to will be a minority among Biden's guests.

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Funny side note on this. Yesterday was the first time I watched “ Gone with the Wind”, from beginning to end. There was a part in the movie that refugees were returning from war. There was a man holding a sign & offering land and money to anyone agreeing to vote a certain way. I should have rewound to watch it again. History does repeat itself.

It did make me giggle. Now, we give cell phones and bus rides. In Seattle, you can have free motel rooms & entire agencies are directed to find jobs & long term housing.

Great point about illegals having to return if Republican becomes new president. I just know that many new immigrants stay as far as they can away from official documentation, voting ( even if legal), and all around distrust in government “ promises.”

We just have to keep uncovering the truth & pointing out the corruption. It seems impossible with so many resources set up to camouflage what’s really going on. But once we awaken a few, we’ve got them for life. Migrants are very loyal & smart. They will want the truth. We have room & resources for hardworking, law abiding people. The work is weeding out the rest.

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