Aug 23Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Harris' father claimed he was 1/4 black and 3/4 Irish. He said he had one black grandmother. That makes her 1/8 black. Octoroon.

More importantly, she is descended from slave OWNERS, not slaves, and has never lived in a black community nor publicly identified as black until 2020.

I don't vote for or against her because of real or imagined ethnicity. I vote against her because she is unqualified, a blatantly liar, and a communist.

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I wish I had seen that 1/4 black statement before I wrote the article. I think I will amend.

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If you have t correct the article, you should do so for accuracy's sake.

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Aug 23Liked by Diane L. Gruber

I’m - far - less concerned about blacks voting for her cuz she’s black - they always vote D, than I am about women, which is a far larger franchise cohort, voting for her just cuz she’s a woman (something their party can’t even define).

Per @alyssamariiee7 on X:

“Just fyi voting for Kamala just because she’s a woman is the reason we used to not have the right to vote.”

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Aug 27Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Hell Joe Biden didn’t even win and Pelosi orchestrated Jan 6th to cover. It up as any investigation would have uncovered the evidence and if you remember Republicans had a Legitimate Constitutional Objection and once announced on the floor Capital was attacked ( by BLM and Antifa BTW ) then they snuck in a Omnibus the Electoral college reform act ( requires amending the constitution) so now you can only certify ZERO OBJECTIONS PERMITTED gee wonder why and all SCOTUS has to do is find out they unconstitutionally alter the Constitution but it’s too late for that anyways just shows democrats go any length to win regardless who they have to kill http:// Www.J6TRUTH.org Extremely Graphic and dozens of Trump supporters savagely beaten 4 murdered by Capital and Metro police ( this is what they DONT WANT THE PEOPLE TO SEE )

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Aug 23Liked by Diane L. Gruber

She knew Feinsteins knew Pelosi knew boxer knew what kind of a grab ass moron show is Frisco

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Kamala is an opportunist, she only claimed to be black when it's beneficial to her politically. People on the left choose not to believe that.

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Identity obsession is a mental illness. Decades ago, when I experienced the butt end of Affirmative Action, I thought it would die of its own absurdity. At the time I didn't realize that it was a valuable tool to be used in attracting buffoons to one's political party.

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And giving jobs to those who don't have the skills, but do have the "correct" skin color. As I practiced law and as my hubby worked for the US Dept. of Energy, we have LOTS of stories.

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Obama wasn't born in the United States


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I listened to the whole thing. The truth is out there, if only people cared.

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That horse left the barn years ago.

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A young woman worked PT as my secretary 1989-1994 when she was in college. At that time she was Right of me. I was a conservative Democrat. Practicing law pushed me ever more to the Right. The last time I saw her was in 2013 when I handled her father's probate. She is now 54 and a stark raving mad Democrat. How do I know that? About two years ago she opened a DEI Consultant business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I check out her website from time to time. I doubt she is making much money, however.

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FucN moronic Jew - they never get it right!Just think they do!

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Midnight in Samara tell all tale on WMD shipped to Wuhan under harris as acting Da Dr Greg Ford midnight in Samara

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