I’m homeless working two jobs, but have been turned down for EBT and housing because I make too much. So I have been living in my car for years. Recently, however, a church member took me in, after my stroke and I broke my arm. I’m a cashier. These immigrants come in speaking zero English, with credit cards, and handfuls of $100 bills. As ID, it’s usually a passport from somewhere in South America, so they can buy their booze. They get housing, phones and $$$$. I struggle to pay my doctor bills. I can’t afford housing. But, hey, at least I can READ and WRITE, and WORK! I may have lost Everything, but MY VOTE will definitely be for Trump!

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Sharon, send me a private email: DianeLGruber@gmail.com.

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Right. I agree. So here's a radical idea ... how about if Republicans TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION instead of just complaining about it. Yes, we have the power to take control even though we can't control Biden's immigration policy. PLEASE READ THIS: REPUBLICANS' EFFORTS TO EXPEL ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM THEIR STATES WILL BACKFIRE. Those aliens will end up in Democrat states, assisting in Democrat elections, voting Democrat, and increasing those states’ Democrat congressional representation after the 2030 census; Democrats must be laughing themselves silly watching us behave exactly as they expected: PLEASE READ: "Republicans Could Be Winning Biden’s Immigration Game": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/republicans-could-be-winning-bidens

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David: I cross posted this article May 12th. Has 560 views so far. Brilliant idea!!! Diane

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I guess I don't fully understand cross-posting, nor do I understand Substack's counting mechanism. According to my Substack metrics, my article as a total of 232 views at this point. This is despite the fact that I have sent a brief email to hundreds of Republican state legislators (in multiple states) referring to it (yes I realize they have other emails to read, but still ...). How can it have 560 views when Substack tells me it has only 232?

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I can answer that. The 560 views is on MY Substack views, not yours. Another author posted an article today and it had a cross post button. On other articles that same author does NOT have cross post button. Friday I emailed the help desk and asked about the cross posting BS. When I hear back, I will forward to you. I don't have much confidence in them, however. Every time I sent them an email they responded with nonsense that didn't answer the question.

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