Carter formed one of the secret globalist cabals, called the Trilateral Commissikn, and I believe, was part of the Council for Foreign Relations. a conpromised, filthy globalist, through and through...

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I still can’t get over the Washington State governor’s election 2004 of Christine Gregoire over Dino Rossi where they recounted the vote about five times before they got the Dem votes to cover the Republican votes. Dino Rossi was declared the winner at first, and they just kept recounting. Blatant cheating. Sheesh! Dixie Lee Ray was rolling in her grave on that one.

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Awh, you must have lived in Washington State a long time. Dixie Lee Ray and my mother-in-law went to Mills College (in California) together. Ole Dixie saved unknown number of people by refusing to open up the lands around Mt. St. Helens shortly before the volcano exploded.

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I remember that Rossi won twice and then they just happened to find like 500 more votes that gave the election to Gregoire. Rossi won and won twice.

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On September 5, Washington State Democrats completed their recount of the August 6 primary election for Washington State Lands Commissioner, initially won by two Republican candidates. However, a month of “recounts” finally gave Democrat Dave Upthegrove 49 more votes to defeat the other Republican in the race. Election integrity is as foreign to Democrats as is speaking truthfully. Washington uses a top-two primary jungle system. In a top-two primary system, all candidates are listed on the same ballot. The top two vote-getters, regardless of their partisan affiliations (ha ha), advance to the general election.

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Alaska also uses that system. It virtually guarantees that elections become selections through campaign contributions. They are trying to get it set up in Oregon. Then Marxist Dems will own both the east and west coasts. There are so many people who are brainwashed to believe parties don’t matter and have no idea what a party platform is or what it is intended to do. (Read the Dem Platform lately?) These are the same people who see the Electoral College as a scam.

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Jimmy Carter continued a long line of Democrats, starting with President Andrew Jackson in the early 19th Century and continuing to today.

He wanted Democrats to win and forgot about all the recommendationss he authored.

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Yep! Ole Jimmy is Chief Hypocrite of the Hypocrite Party.

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Dems insist that there is "no voter fraud." I personally witnessed voter fraud.

In 2012 a woman I never heard of registered to vote, giving my address. Seven or 8 calls to the Supervisor of Elections resulted in my being told that it was HER WORD AGAINST MINE that she didn't live in my house, and they let her vote. Check to see who is voting at your address. And whether your dead relatives are still voting.

A former friend of mine bragged of how many times he voted for Obama in 2012 in 2 states.

A friend was in line at the polling place (in 2012) when a van of young people with Obama stickers all over it got in line and whispered. He could see several of them refer to a list of polling places.

We need: Voter ID (not just driver's licenses), strict rules for mail-in ballots, far fewer days to vote, NO register-AND-vote on election day.

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I forgot: What state did you live in, in 2012?

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NC, but friends in Michigan and Ohio told of voter fraud schemes they observed in those states.

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