Living Behind Enemy Lines, Tale #31: Washington State Using Hitler's "Public Health" Method To Persecute Trumpsters
As Bob Ferguson was leaving the attorney general office to become governor, he established the Domestic Extremism and Mass Violence Task Force.^ During their first two meetings, which this writer attended, they repeatedly stated they have no intention of targeting the biggest and best funded two groups of mass murderers since the KKK: Black Lives Matter & Antifa. In addition, members of this task force have clearly stated that their main approach to stomping out the First Amendment will be through a “public health” framework.
This task force is the ideological offspring of the public health bureaucrats who not only assisted Germany’s Nazi Party in their reign of terror, they actually CHOSE the individual victims from these groups of human beings: Jews, Catholics, Gypsies, Slavs, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals and the physically & mentally disabled.
This task force will be recommending to lawmakers in Olympia which groups to target for persecution, which will lead directly to the State of Washington choosing which individuals to spy on, censor and worse. Once targeted and placed on “The List,” Washingtonians will be denied all manner of opportunities and rights in order to force them into de-programming seminars. Some will be forced into psychiatric care, insane asylums and/or prison.
On December 31, 2026, the task force will submit their recommendations to lawmakers in Olympia who, in turn, will draft bills to put into law which groups and which individuals to CHOOSE as “public health threats.” Christians? Conservatives? Republicans? Libertarians? Trumpsters?
Marian Turski was 13 when the rules started to change. In January 2020, at age 95 and on the eve of the Covid tyranny, he explained how, in the name of public health, the Nazi tyranny developed, one step at a time:
"First they said we weren't allowed in swimming pools, so we said OK, we can go to the lake. Then they said we can't sing inside certain buildings, so we said OK, we can sing somewhere else. They said our children can't play with theirs, so we said OK, they can play among themselves. Then they said we could not enter stores until after 5 p.m., and we said OK, there is less to choose from, but at least we can still get food. A few bystanders agreed, many more just stood and remained silent. Most people talk about the end, but I will never forget the beginning. The feeling of confusion, the rules that never made much sense, how we were suddenly excluded from places and other people. All it took was a single step, but then it became one step at a time" (until we were rounded up, taken to the death camps, then to the gas chambers).
And observe what is happening in K-12 “Education”. The parental rights initiative is being gutted. “Community health centers” are sprouting up where children can make their own decisions w/o parental awareness. Gender “inclusion”, ethnic studies and environmental studies are being defined not by the school boards, but by “experts”. The Office of Superintendent for Public Instruction is set to be empowered with enforcement powers to assure no school director veers from state law that is being defined exclusively by the party in power. To be sure that there is no resistance to the obviousness of the dominant party’s control at the ballot box, this very same commission with enforce the speech codes as they define them. Challenging elections is seen as an offense. (BTW, this state’s GOP is fine with this.)
Where is the media who claims to hold our government to account? They are ignoring it all.
It’s not just what they say that isn’t true, it’s what they do not tell you that is.
Don't forget about the changing firearms laws and taxes. Requiring classes that military or combat training isn't good enough for. Grandfathering in current ownership but outlawing buying, selling, parts, additions or transfering in your will.