Well the purging of all the good people from the Washington state employment roles is only going to mean that when God brings his wrath there won’t be anyone standing. They are going to need you back as a leader and that’s for certain!

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Mental illness is apparently a prerequisite for supporting today’s Democrat Party, ideology and agenda. How else is it possible for any sane individual to vote for limiting their individual freedoms and ultimately their nation’s demise? Below is a link to a sliding chart/map on global mental health issues. In the North America map, note the uptick in mental health issues starting in 1997 -- the Clinton administration. Then they recede in 2013 (Obama-Biden era) only to increase again in 2018, one year into the Trump era. Was that caused by TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome? https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-with-mental-and-substance-disorders?time=latest&region=NorthAmerica

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Much lower rate of Autism in past decades. If you look at the direct correlation between the increase of vaccines, which arguably seems to directly correspond to in increased rate of Autism, even among females, and match that with the increase in violence among young adults, I bet one would find a near exact match, or strangely similar, on a line graph chart.

Being mildly autistic myself, I fully understand the difficulties of containing stronger emotions like love, distain, pain, and anger, because they are raw. We tend to wear our emotions on our sleaves, until we learn how to hide them. But they are still raw, and overwhelming internally. Anger becomes rage in a flash. Some folks describe this explosive behavior by saying, "That guy is like a stick of Dynamite."

We have had to learn to hide what's going on inside, until we can get to a place to let that energy out, that we end up putting up with a lot of bullshit. But the camel's back always breaks at some point. Suddenly, we're the asshole for overreacting, to a single incident, when to us it's the accumulation of the 100 previous trespasses. Give us the permission, and an outlet for all which angers us, and we're recruited. We NEED to let it out, period.

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It really ticked me off when the Youth Camp in Naselle was closed - after all it worked well!

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Exactly why they close them doing better than the local school camp think well they can't stand for it how dare they

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What were the circumstances of it's closing?

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Allegedly it was the cost of operating the camp. Now there is only one camp left in WA state.

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Now they're rubbing there disgusting moron policies in everyone's face 24x7x365 I'm Dead Dog Tired of this pus bucket media monopolies take down the press the most ineffective group of mamby pamby highly paid puppets

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We had football baseball hockey soccer was for girls basketball bicycles you could park anywhere without some crackmonkey stealing anything that's not welded

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Start here Influencewatch.org search school name see what shows up

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There is little that leaves me speechless.

VERY little.

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I enjoy reading your articles, Diane. Sometimes, they make me go "hmm, a great read".

Some, however, just piss me off to no end., like this one.

BecCAUSE, in all honesty, it is us, the general population, the electorate, that allowed ourselves to get cornered to the point where we may never get back to an America that was America. That failure falls entirely on the American citizen's shoulders. This is not even a USA problem, it is a problem for the entire West, which most of the entire-everyone-else looks to for their survival.

At the risk of sounding like a politician, we need to think about what we are voting for, my fellow citizens. Slogans are neat, and plentiful, but please read, study, and question yourself before

casting a vote.

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They had a lockdown of the local school district 30 miles outside of Portland during deer hunting season when a Hunter was seen carrying a rifle near the school. It is a wooded farming area. There is a gun club near the school. The gun club serves the community by giving gun safety training so teens can get permits for hunting. Days after the school lockdown, I went to an away football game at another rural district in a timberland and heard a hunter shot his rifle not far from the football field and no one raised an eyebrow on the bleachers. There are places in Oregon where you can find traditional values supported but for how long is anyone’s guess.

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We were Free

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I got a Hunch it will be there like the j6 moron show

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