With that in mind, I’ll mention this: I live in the Pittsburgh area, and I’m a Penn State graduate. My strategy whenever I’ve been on the University of Pittsburgh campus, has been to not let where I went to school be seen or heard of. With national politics these days, which is much more divisive than sports rivalries between colleges, I try to make sure I’m as far away from “leftist” gatherings as I can be, as a general rule.

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Yes, fear has crept into our society these last ten years or so, and it doesn't just pertain to Democrats discovering that you are a Trump supporter. Conservatives, Christians & Republicans have been demonized for the last 20+ years. With so many haters online one never knows when you will be targeted, even for something you did not do/say. My neighbor's business was harrassed so bad he had to turn off the phone and shut down his website for a week. What was his crime? He knew a man whose wife was arrested for fighting back against a BLM thugs who was abusing her disabled daughter outside a grocery store.

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Yep you are no longer free to speak your mind or show your support. Unless it the same opinion of the left. Don’t like the ruling of the Supreme Court? Just change the rules and pack it with liberals. Then we can all be equal with Seattle and Portland.

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Some may wonder how many years it’s been dangerous for Republicans to show their public support for their candidates in Portland and Seattle. For our family it was 2004, when our daughter warned us that cars displaying ‘George W. Bush for President’ bumper stickers were being targeted for keying.

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Actually, it was sooner than THAT. Remember Bob Tiernan, State Rep. who proposed that PERS pensions be decreased for future hires? That was in the mid-90s. He had to send his wife and kids out of state because death threats were so bad! In 2004 our neighbor was volunteering for Clackamas County GOP. He gave us a yard sign and a very small sticker. The sign remained in our front yard about three days. We caught someone IN OUR DRIVEWAY trying to peel the little "Veterans For Bush" sticker off the back window of our BRAND NEW 2004 Toyota 4Runner. We thanked him for not breaking the window. Awh, you & I, as sane Oregonians, put up with way too much, for way too long.

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