Diane! You are so over the target on this. I have for 3 years been subjected to the tyranny of all this Leftist dogma being pumped into our government schools while powerless (beyond my voice) to arrest it. It continues apace.
When people see the insanity/inanity of protesters on the Ivy League campuses, know this: Those student are not being indoctrinated in the colleges; they are being indoctrinated in the K-12 classrooms. They are just away from mom and dad and off the leash, among their similarly values-addled “peers”.
Stella: My readers love my "Living Behind Enemy Lines" articles. I need more! Could you provide me with an experience or two you have had? I will not use your name. It can be a short story about one aspect of living in a Blue area, or a longer essay. It could be a story about an abuse you have suffered because you are a Trump supporter, or because you are Conservative, or . . . . It can be a light-hearted story or a serious story. For more info: DianeLGruber@Gmail.com. I have published 12 so far. Here is the most recent one: https://dianelgruber.substack.com/p/living-behind-enemy-lines-tale-12?utm_source=publication-search
I could write a book. I’d begin with my initial engagement with the emissaries of the “education cartel” that told me I was “not qualified to be a school director”. Or from that same voice: “Ukrainians arriving from their oppressed state of USSR communist hegemony came with white privilege.” 😳
Stella: GREAT!! Send me your story to my email address. Don't worry about grammar, etc. I will edit and get your OK before publishing. No hurry as I am currently on a short trip. DianeLGruber@Gmail.com
Stella's Pop: Are you willing to write me a short essay explaining how this indoctrination is happening? I am assuming you are a K-12 teacher. I need another story for my "Living Behind Enemy Lines" series. You can email me directly: DianeLGruber@Gmail.com. Diane
It goes beyond race. They are using the same playbook on LGB and women. Application of “gender affirming care” to prepubescents whose brains/minds have not matured to sort out the hormonal rush of potential confusion are being seduced into “T”. So, suddenly we have people “born in the wrong body”. The schools rush in with the pronouns to cement an identity. The medical/pharma industry, long-ago hijacked by eugenicists, aspire for life-long cash-cows adding to a new and expanding plantation. Where are the feminists as women are being nullified and “legally” redefined as birthing people? The party that cannot define a woman pushes tax-paid abortion as women’s health care. Oprah says that our freedom is at stake.
This fall, the majority of LGB and Women may vote for this if the propagandists’ work is successful. So far it has been.
Liberals like to casually throw the word white supremacy out there, but when we look at history they were the true white supremacist. They fought to keep slavery, instituted reconstruction and Jim Crown laws. The democrats added on with the welfare program which destroyed households of color. The liberals try to do what they do best change the narrative.
Awesome article Diane, all of the barriers that black people faced and still face are because of the Democratic party. They look at black people as votes and that's it.
Liberals are basically mutants!
Diane! You are so over the target on this. I have for 3 years been subjected to the tyranny of all this Leftist dogma being pumped into our government schools while powerless (beyond my voice) to arrest it. It continues apace.
When people see the insanity/inanity of protesters on the Ivy League campuses, know this: Those student are not being indoctrinated in the colleges; they are being indoctrinated in the K-12 classrooms. They are just away from mom and dad and off the leash, among their similarly values-addled “peers”.
Stella: My readers love my "Living Behind Enemy Lines" articles. I need more! Could you provide me with an experience or two you have had? I will not use your name. It can be a short story about one aspect of living in a Blue area, or a longer essay. It could be a story about an abuse you have suffered because you are a Trump supporter, or because you are Conservative, or . . . . It can be a light-hearted story or a serious story. For more info: DianeLGruber@Gmail.com. I have published 12 so far. Here is the most recent one: https://dianelgruber.substack.com/p/living-behind-enemy-lines-tale-12?utm_source=publication-search
Hello, Diane. I have many. Perhaps, I should share. Could be therapeutic. 😇
I could write a book. I’d begin with my initial engagement with the emissaries of the “education cartel” that told me I was “not qualified to be a school director”. Or from that same voice: “Ukrainians arriving from their oppressed state of USSR communist hegemony came with white privilege.” 😳
Stella: GREAT!! Send me your story to my email address. Don't worry about grammar, etc. I will edit and get your OK before publishing. No hurry as I am currently on a short trip. DianeLGruber@Gmail.com
Stella's Pop: Are you willing to write me a short essay explaining how this indoctrination is happening? I am assuming you are a K-12 teacher. I need another story for my "Living Behind Enemy Lines" series. You can email me directly: DianeLGruber@Gmail.com. Diane
It goes beyond race. They are using the same playbook on LGB and women. Application of “gender affirming care” to prepubescents whose brains/minds have not matured to sort out the hormonal rush of potential confusion are being seduced into “T”. So, suddenly we have people “born in the wrong body”. The schools rush in with the pronouns to cement an identity. The medical/pharma industry, long-ago hijacked by eugenicists, aspire for life-long cash-cows adding to a new and expanding plantation. Where are the feminists as women are being nullified and “legally” redefined as birthing people? The party that cannot define a woman pushes tax-paid abortion as women’s health care. Oprah says that our freedom is at stake.
This fall, the majority of LGB and Women may vote for this if the propagandists’ work is successful. So far it has been.
Liberals like to casually throw the word white supremacy out there, but when we look at history they were the true white supremacist. They fought to keep slavery, instituted reconstruction and Jim Crown laws. The democrats added on with the welfare program which destroyed households of color. The liberals try to do what they do best change the narrative.
Awesome article Diane, all of the barriers that black people faced and still face are because of the Democratic party. They look at black people as votes and that's it.